Friday, May 22, 2009

Why Cover Bread Dough

Rise and Fall of the Bat II: But what have you, Batman?

As one is due to their readers (I think it is plural, I think I have more than one, but would have to do a survey to be sure), in this post we will deal with the first request

the letter, in this case from Teutonic lands: a
"retrospective of the Batman movies "
(sic). Well, nothing, although there are more requests queued, which will emerge, let's start with this ...

The Batman saga, as most know, saga is a very extreme, in which there are both great films like turds gigantic proportions, that its creators are ashamed of having given birth, so just use the dog-eared as chronological order, we will review them from best to worst (in groups two for the input is more cortita). However, as the level of the worst movies of the series is so, so so low, it is necessary to use an infra-scale to classify them Messrs. offal as they are, so in these extreme cases we will apply the famous "ladder of shit" (shit-scale) discovered in 1945 by the British Lord Sir Francis Catologic while enjoying a tasty sandwich of Nutella, which will allow us accurately calculate the proximity of each film to the status of absolute landmark. Let us begin with the best in the series (those who want to hear me curse you can go directly to the third group, in the following blog entry).

Nolan Batman


Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008)
Rating: Not applicable

Normal Rating: Good In the interesting first part, Christopher Nolan us Batman film presents the twenty-first century is, like all superheroes XXI century more "dark and realistic" (which mania have with darkness and realism, damn, they are not superheroes and prostitutes in the movies of Aranoa, colorful place them and phrases stupid !!!). The performances are good, the action scenes and also the direction and the story is interesting, though somewhat nightmare sometimes. The villains do not seem much, but saving the ballot, considering that this film is not "bad against good, but presentation of the superhero for future sequels.

In the second part, the director offers us and which is undoubtedly the best film to date of the Batman. The universe presented in the first part takes place here at full speed and without unnecessary barriers (such as the need to explain the origins of the hero) and are two of the most charismatic villains of comics: Joker and Two-Face. The plot is very interesting, Action scenes are well resolved and the actors do a very good, with emphasis (as well all know), the performance of Heath Ledger as the Joker, which gives a turn-anarchist-drooling psychotic the character that comes as glove. An embarrassment for a great actor, no doubt.

Points to note:
- The Batmobile horrible tuned tank-wagon. It hurts to look, sure that the bat-radiocassete eight tracks has not stopped ringing and flamenco reggaeton at full speed. So I would not leave home. - cazallera prostitute's voice that puts Batman tuberculosis when they talk to acojonar (equal original version better, but I doubt it). At times he seems poised to take off the pack of Ricola candies from his pocket. - The "dull-the-balls" that makes Scarecrow combed. Deserves to die from minute one.
- The father of Alfred Austin Powers makes! Yeah, baby, yeah! Batmanchús


Batman (1989),
Batman Returns (2008) shit Rating: not covered by the first, zurraspa calzoncillera the second

Normal Rating:

Good first, second


The first Tim Burton Batman was revolutionary in its time. And not a bad film as well, but the truth is that view today lose a bit different ... Still, style is good, the plot is entertaining and also meet actors. The origin of the character is a bit different from the original (so is in Nolan's Batman) and in this case we find that the Joker is the murderer of Bruce Wayne's parents. But if something happened to the story this film is the brilliant performance by Jack Nicholson, who is a joker durra with perpetual rictus smile quite different from the comics, but very funny. If something can not be denied is that Nicholson has always done better than anyone ... moron Michael Keaton's acting really imagine being colleague has the director, but not bad at all.

The sequel is another matter. Here the friend Burton bundles and blanket to the head and once again presents his ego ("Hi, Tim Burton's ego, may remember me from such films as Beetlejuice and The Corpse Bride"). As a result, the Penguin is a sexually repressed gothic full of black humor, Catwoman is a Goth around naked with mental problems Batman is a goth and muscular with psychological and emotional handicaps. You see, gothic Gotham City is more than ever! The consequence of this is that the movie is something coñazo and quite bizarre, but at least be seen ... so yes, I'm sure that if Burton rolled this movie today, his ego will force him to put his junkie- girlfriend, Helena Bonham-Carter in the role of Catwoman. It is the lace that is missing from the movie.

Points to note: - The Batmobile Batplano and are best seen in cinema. Molan mogollon!
- The bigard Batman is played by a shorty that reportedly led hikes shooting (this is what I read, because no idea how measured).
- The Joker leads a five-foot pistol in your pocket when you leave the party, which is why many brides take over the movie, no doubt deceived by appearances. - The penguin eating raw fish to bite ... three cheers for Tim Burton! - Penguin talking about sex all the time, while teaching her deformed hands ... four cheers for Tim Burton! - What the hell, ALL the character of the penguin ... Tim Burton to the altar!
- Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeiffer. There can be no better girls Batman.


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