"The best vampire movie of the last decade," "Surprise capital in Sitges festival" ... these praises are merely an example of what is being said out there in this film. With these criticisms so positive, I had to bite the bullet and ignore my initial reluctance to swallow this film. This initial reluctance because it is a film of Swedish origin (and we all know that, except for Sweden, that country has never left anything noteworthy), and to make matters worse, half of the cinemas showing the film, is version does subtitled ... it is certainly a hard nut to crack, so before I take a critical calzaré paste my glasses get in line.
Once seen the movie, one asks himself the question that led him to see at first: "Is it really the best vampire movie of the last decade?" . My answer is "no fucking idea, since I'm not as knowledgeable of the genre as to be in a position to judge it that way so extreme. What is certain, in my opinion, is that Dejame Entrar is an excellent film, both within the vampire genre (where the standard of quality often go to the fair infamy) as the film itself, besides being a good fat kick across the face to movies like "Twilight" and other unnecessary crap for teenagers, showing that the issue vampire-human relationship can be done well, with great style without seeming out of a special supplement issue of "hormones" of the Superpop. That if eye because despite being vampire movie does not fit into the horror genre at all, even if grimosillo some point, being more of a romantic drama with a little more hemoglobin than usual in this type movies.
The film's plot is as follows: Oskar (with k, the kid is deeper and Sweden seems at times an extra deleted scenes of Pippi Longstocking), a 12-year problems of bullying and a more than worrying penchant for collecting newspaper clippings and weapons crimes, he meets Eli, a new girl in the neighborhood who lives alone with her father. Eli is a strange girl who only comes out at night and smells quite rare. After the arrival of this child, begins in the village a crime wave, in which several boys are hung upside down without a single drop of blood in the body. Oskar and Eli establish a relationship of love-friendship in which both will be helping each other out of the shadow worlds (natural or supernatural) that spend their daily lives. And, as is to suggest the film, combining darkness with darkness does not always get a darkness more intense, but sometimes the mix can throw the odd glimmer of light.
Shortly I will discuss the film, or technical or managerial aspects, because the truth is that I get exactly the same, although it is more than good in all respects, except perhaps in the summer, which makes it very tiring ( but this is not the fault of the film, but in Sweden It seems that there is only snow, dammit). Children are very believable in their roles very well and we transmit the much needed feeling of tenderness for his characters work correctly. Vampires are leaving the real ones, not those who like the girls screaming, but of those that burn with the sunshine, kill people and ask your permission to enter the house (hence the movie title .) Eye to a total pedophile plane has shoes amid the director of the film, namely what the fuck was I thinking the guy ... better not to know the truth ...

Things I've learned from this movie:
- The vampire children have no vagina, but an unidentifiable thing between your legs (the plane pederast I mentioned before).
- Three minutes in Swedish you say "trie minute", which can be handy if you ligais some Swedish, to take into account vustra average capacity of endurance.

- Vampires should have the cuepo of C-4 and piss nitroglycerin, seeing the firecracker and the flare that hit to open the blinds.
- The education system mola Swedish than English: Swedish children read "The Hobbit" and we the "Exemplary Novels" of Cervantes ...