Monday, April 25, 2011

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11/05/1910 25/04/1911 04/20/1911

Alagoas. Tr

flooding, flatter. ╟ alagal . alcoiri.


rainbow. ╟ alcuiri . Anzin.

f BOT oak ( fagáceo tree). Anzin . apaniaguao,-á.

adj (someone said)

sated, jaded, sated. 2 phlegmatic, slow, deep. ╟ apaniaguau . arrebbañá. Tr

steal, plunder. 2 scrape. ╟ arrebbañal . shoved. Tr collapse, break down physically or morally.

╟ arrumbal

. assemilá. Tr

assimilate, compare. 2 understand. ╟ assemilal .

layer. Tr AGR remove the top of the sole of snuff. ╟ CAPAL .

carambola. f cheating, deception. f excrement. Catalina .

cava. Tr AGR dig a garden. Caval .

cava. m AGR person working a garden digging. ╟ cavaol .


adj (someone said) high. Maroon . comitanda.

f binge. ╟ comitanda . Corcom.

f rotten. ╟ Corcom. gives.


think, creer. Avia dao who was en CACR. ╟ dal. derribbá.

tr malgastar, despilfarrar. ╟ derribbal . derribbaó,-ora. Derroche adj. ╟


. desajeno,-a. adj alien, strange. You

desajeno in this house. ╟ desajenu. inattentive,-a.

adj (someone said)

distracted. 2 disengaged. Haze is the inattentive. ╟ desatentu .

enchicá. Tr

diminish, shrink. Enchicá jacket. ╟ enchical .

enlarged,. Tr enlarge, make larger. ╟ engrandal .

entrelargo,-a. Adj medium long, either long or short. ╟ entrelargu .

escesso. ~ m loc of to : with excess. The door is escessu paint. ╟ escessu .

Foga. m home fire. ╟ FOGAL .

Fogarino. f hogariña

. Fogarino . chilly,-a.

adj (someone said)

chilly. 2 (someone said) devoid of spirited, cold. Mu chilly is not the mujeris s'arrima. 3 (someone said) cold, rough, dry. ╟ friolentu .

Giralda. f BOT dyer ( What comes ena m'a hogariña mouth! ╟ hogariña .

Hope. m beating tute. macha.

f mortar hub. macha. crushing.

hard m ( similar to the Jewish. 2 fruit of this plant. wheel. Nacencia.


birth. pallasu . be forgiven . med (the plant)


╟ perdel . colt. m big boy and gross person. ╟ potrancu .

garment. f love, love ( ╟ semilal . even. part at least, at least. Siqueira is working, which is not straw. ╟ even


sopleá. Intr blow. 2 aspire. L' soplea vacuum is not as endespues


╟ sopreal . tuning. f boredom.


trabbajola. f trabajera. ╟ trabbajola


shorn. Tr shear. ╟ tresquilal . tresquilón.

m trasquilón. ╟ tresquilón . brave. pond adj brave, often piece. Valiente sinvergüença! ╟

valienti . see. Interj is not it, is not it? The tower fell over here, see? ╟ will


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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abballá. Intr

leave a site. 2 go from one place to another. ╟ aballal . softens. Tr

soften. ╟ abrandecel . adredón.

m quilt. ╟ adredón . aporrazao,-á. Adj

mistreated breado. Estoi aporrazá of BRAC arvos OM. ╟ aporrazau. Bartol.

m Anthroponym

Bartholomew. Bartol . coarse-to. adj (said of a liquid) thick little thin. Lechi enough.

╟ bastu

. beto. BOT fir m ( body. ╟ cadavi .

sly,-one. adj lazy, lazy. sly.

carriage. m pram. ╟ carricochi .

corridors. m corridor, aisle. ╟ correol .

croutons. m scale, scab. croutons .

Caguan. m corridor to the rooms. Caguan.

çocotrón,-one. adj (someone said) that wobbles, which gets pushed. ╟ çocotrón .

çúrpia. m dirty and ill-matched person. ╟ çúrpia . defeat. Tr

destroy, damage. Have the car derrotao . 2 break. The vase S'a derrotao . 3 collapse. defeated the old farmhouse. 4

ruin. 5 defeat, wasted. Defeat . derrotaó, ora.

adj wasteful spendthrift. ╟ derrotaol . desesfresnao,-á. Adj

unchecked, unbridled. ╟ desesfresnau . destinguí. Intr

extinguish. ╟ destinguil . escupuliçá. Tr

reject, repudiate, to repair something. Eda With the escupuliçan Tolos essa ombres. ╟ escupuliçal . bottleneck.

f narrowness.

narrowness. bottle. m boat. The detergent bottle. ╟ frascu


fression. f flexion. ╟ fression


Gayetano. m Anthroponym Cayetano. ╟ Caitanu


gordo,-a. adj (said of a liquid) thick rough. milk fat. Água fat.

fat broth.

╟ gordu . HAVA. f

Habal. by ~

, causing mess, spoiled. It was short fror i was a dirty community in hava. ╟ haval . hoyanco.

m big hole. ╟ hoyancu . Jara. f


inn. mensonero. m landlord. ╟ mesoneru .

Merchán. m merchant, merchant. Merchán.

mucus-a. young adj. He was killed a young child . ╟ moçu .

moçuelo. m boy. ╟ moçuelu .

removed. Tr ban. Aluego removed not drink d'there . remove it.

Ramon. m large branch of certain plants. In many avian Guadiana ramones i ATARFE . Ramon

2 olives. Ramon

. rebbocá. Intr

come to the mouth, nauseous. Me havas

rebbuecan the . ╟ rebbocal . regaura.

f ac. watering, irrigation. ╟ regaura . remingao,-á.

adj (said of a garment) than a lower side than the other. 2 (said of an eye) having a drooping eyelid. 3 winked. He remingao eye. Remingau ╟, á .

drought. m dry smell. The garbanços Güel to drought, you are going to grip . ╟ sequiu . Tabua. BOT m steeple, bulrush ( Pron

you. Come here ustés . Nah, you . vito.

m fr-it has the ~ : win the favor, taking the applause, to win. It cabeçona that is, always carries fine vito. Vitu .