Project (tentative name), the new Team ICO project , on which we discussed in previous blog entries and it seems that once again will to get back to feel the magic and the tenderness of her previous titles ... as it seems a marvel (no doubt what looks better in what I have seen this year) I've put it on if you like to see it. I, for the time being until more news come out, I'm going to remove the hat to these people, but I reserve my final impressions for when you can play.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Why Cover Bread Dough
As one is due to their readers (I think it is plural, I think I have more than one, but would have to do a survey to be sure), in this post we will deal with the first request
the letter, in this case from Teutonic lands: a
"retrospective of the Batman movies "
(sic). Well, nothing, although there are more requests queued, which will emerge, let's start with this ...
The Batman saga, as most know, saga is a very extreme, in which there are both great films like turds gigantic proportions, that its creators are ashamed of having given birth, so just use the dog-eared as chronological order, we will review them from best to worst (in groups two for the input is more cortita). However, as the level of the worst movies of the series is so, so so low, it is necessary to use an infra-scale to classify them Messrs. offal as they are, so in these extreme cases we will apply the famous "ladder of shit" (shit-scale) discovered in 1945 by the British Lord Sir Francis Catologic while enjoying a tasty sandwich of Nutella, which will allow us accurately calculate the proximity of each film to the status of absolute landmark. Let us begin with the best in the series (those who want to hear me curse you can go directly to the third group, in the following blog entry).
- The father of Alfred Austin Powers makes! Yeah, baby, yeah! Batmanchús
Batman (1989),
Normal Rating:
Good first, second
The first Tim Burton Batman was revolutionary in its time. And not a bad film as well, but the truth is that view today lose a bit different ... Still, style is good, the plot is entertaining and also meet actors. The origin of the character is a bit different from the original (so is in Nolan's Batman) and in this case we find that the Joker is the murderer of Bruce Wayne's parents. But if something happened to the story this film is the brilliant performance by Jack Nicholson, who is a joker durra with perpetual rictus smile quite different from the comics, but very funny. If something can not be denied is that Nicholson has always done better than anyone ... moron Michael Keaton's acting really imagine being colleague has the director, but not bad at all.
Points to note: - The Batmobile Batplano and are best seen in cinema. Molan mogollon!
- The bigard Batman is played by a shorty that reportedly led hikes shooting (this is what I read, because no idea how measured). - The Joker leads a five-foot pistol in your pocket when you leave the party, which is why many brides take over the movie, no doubt deceived by appearances. - The penguin eating raw fish to bite ... three cheers for Tim Burton! - Penguin talking about sex all the time, while teaching her deformed hands ... four cheers for Tim Burton! - What the hell, ALL the character of the penguin ... Tim Burton to the altar!
- Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeiffer. There can be no better girls Batman.
What Kind Of Brush Do You Need To Brush A Wig
In this second post we'll make a brief repasillo some curious creatures of Japanese folklore. Without further ado, on to the first one ...

These creatures, like a bear or a raccoon always in a good mood and are often represented by a straw hat. Its two distinctive features are her big belly and huge testicles, which often lead to back like a backpack. It is also sometimes throw them over as an umbrella or use them as drum at parties. As tanuki bring good luck, his figures are usually placed at the entrance to businesses and homes.
often change shape, even individual parts of your body. On one occasion a weary traveler seeking refuge from the rain in a house. One of them dropped his ashes to the soil pipe. Immediately they heard a scream and the room disappeared, replaced by a tanuki sore. Apparently the bug had built the home stretch the skin of his scrotum (and I guess I must chop a glowing ember in the heart of the scrotum). In another story, a tanuki teapot became and was sold to a priest, but scalded when they put out the fire. Are not very smart.
demon fox kitsune no
The tengu are spirits of the mountains and forests, with a fairly violent, being masters in the art of combat. Usually represented as human beings with a red face and nose, extremely long, although sometimes they have traits of birds such as wings or spikes (
konoha-tengu). Usually have a fan made of feathers (
, with which they are capable of causing extremely high winds.
Legend has it that the famous general Minamoto no Yoshitsune
was trained by one of the tengu in the arts of the sword, but to me they are famous for the great pleasure I was having to raise three billion steps in a Japanese mountain to see some whores statues of him near the top (see photo below, what a motherfuckin face that is). Endearing. As I find one some day, I put my nose in the ass.
are cruel and malicious and have great strength, but also quite stupid and sometimes, they have been able to convert to Buddhism (turncoats).
grotesque appearance

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Milena Velba Undmiosotis

Therefore, as my personality is flatter than a stick-stack of Panini and always go with the largest pressure group, it seemed interesting to a small summary of the creatures and more entertaining Japanese myths I know, without going into too much detail. If the idea succeeds, we will expand to the mythologies of other countries (Nordic, Greek, cthulhuiana, etc.). So, here we go, but beware if you look for information because the conversions of the names to the western alphabet (Romaji) are confusing and varied ...
According to Shinto myths, Japan was created by a pair of gods:

Tsukuyomi (god of the moon right eye) and Susano-o
The three imperial treasures
When Susano-o began to devastate the earth with its storms, in a dispute with Amaterasu, the latter took a major tantrum and retired to a cave , blocking the entrance with a large stone. The world was plunged into darkness and demons ruled the earth. To make out, Ame-no-
Uzume, goddess of fun fiestuqui and hung a
and a mirror from a tree at the entrance of the cave and began to dance seductively. Amaterasu, attracted by the dance, came by the cave entrance (the light beam that emerged is what is known as Dawn) and was fascinated by his own reflection in the mirror, because she had never seen his own light. The gods took advantage and closed the cave, convincing her to stay with them. Magatama mirror and thus became two of the imperial treasures of Japan (legendary, of course). The third came out of ...
The fight against the monster Orochi
Of course, Susano-o was not going to go piss off scot-free after Amaterasu, so it was expelled from heaven. Once on land, in the province Izumo, he met an elderly couple who begged for help: every seven years had to sacrifice one of his daughters to

and became the third treasure of Japan. After giving this sword to Amaterasu, the dispute was settled and Susano-o returned to its rightful place.
Urashima Taro, a fisherman by profession, he rescues a day to a small turtle on the beach. Some time later, receives a visit from another turtle that reportedly saved the tortoise was a daughter of the Emperor of the Sea, you want to thank you in person. Taro, equipped with a brand new guts courtesy of the turtle, go into the palace of the Dragon God at the bottom of the sea, where he met the emperor and his daughter, and get a strange box as a gift, which will not be opened under any circumstances.
After a few days, Taro decided to return to see his sick mother, but to his horror discovered that the area had gone 300 years, so that all his acquaintances have died long ago and, without thinking about what it does, opens the box he had been given, from which emerges a cloud of smoke. To dissipate, Taro discovers he has become a very old man with a long white beard. From the ocean comes the voice of the princess who says "I told you not to open it, because inside the box were locked your lost years."
is also quite obvious that the Master Roshi's Dragon Ball is based, among others, in this character.
How To Reflash A V600
epic fantasy literature is one of my favorite genres. Unfortunately, when you buy a book of this kind never know, a priori, to be found to open it. The most attractive front and back often involve colossal cowbirds (Epic instead) and guided by the summary of the argument is often not a good idea ... as is usually advisable to look at the author's name. But what happens when you see a book shop of a designer who has not heard in your life, with some pretty awful covers (not the new edition) and an unknown publisher? Normally, neither view, and that's what happened to me with these books, until someone had the great detail of recomendármelos. With that, I am enjoying one of the best fantasy sagas I have read in a long time.
, of \u200b\u200bPolish origin, and highly respected novelist in his native country, decided to take a breath of fresh air to the genre with this series of books, ending with the idea of traditional heroes and evil villains trying to plunge the world into darkness. In the world of Geralt no heroes, only ordinary people and currents ranging between good and evil. Nor is there a world of light to save, because the world of Geralt has always been dark, like ours, can not save in any way. Absolute black or white does not exist in this world, but only shades of gray. The series consists of seven books, although today in Spain have been published only six of them express wish of the "exquisite" editorial that publishes.

A sorcerer is required to be neutral at all times, even if Geralt has its own code of ethics and his life is a continuous succession of elections in which there is no room for the right decisions, only for choosing the lesser evil (very common issue in this saga). Often the monster that seeks to kill Geralt is more worthy to continue living that the very people he has hired to exterminate. Something similar happens in the themes of love, with the relationship maintained with the powerful Geralt Verenberg Yeneffer witch of a woman who was cold, cruel and highly traumatized, that is at all times Geralt use for their purposes and despise, but is also able to defend to the death for feelings that are unable to acknowledge even to itself.

In Poland, Geralt is so popular that has series and movie. Obviously, here we have not smelled (and it seems better, since they say they are both highly infected), so I have little to say about it ...
The Witcher: The Videogame (PC)

In 2007, the company released the CD Projekt as a continuation of the adventure game Geralt of Rivia, which continue the story where the novels ended. Although thought to dedicate a blog post just for him (because he deserves it), I think it is better to make a brief here. There is also a mobile version and a flash game, but I strip it ...
I'm no fan of RPGs Western-style, style Diablo or World of Warcraft. I do not like its gameplay and supremely bored me, but nevertheless this game could not stop playing it from start to finish, despite being the same gender. The story is great, much more mature than any other game of the same type (as in novels, here is drugs, alcohol, gambling, prostitutes ...) and does not detract in any way to its literary counterpart. The game world is perfectly formed and the music is worthy of any production film. A real blockbuster, which, as in the novels often have to choose between the lesser evil ... kill the werewolf (werewolf) that kills criminals in the city, breaking the heart of his betrothed, or let live? "We support the order of knighthood which aims to wipe out the elves terrorists or help them to survive and support them in their slaughter of humans? As in the novels, no decision is better than another, nor will it make Geralt a better person, a person just like any other.
Stresses especially Geralt animation, made with capture movements. It is a joy, especially at higher levels, making him perfectly inhuman stunts strung at full speed, killing monsters like a meat grinder, without giving them time to breathe. And if you decide to end your health dopándote with the poisons of sorcerers, long story ... yes, do not forget to skin the monsters to show that you kill and collect your pay, that something must be live!

The introduction of the game is almost perfect adaptation of the first story of character and is very spectacular.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sample Letter Introducing Medical Doctor

cebiche Besides some of the dishes they like best when I have guests at home is the Lomo Jumped. Its peculiar name stems from the use of a meat type "loin", ie thin, lean and tender that has to be prepared in the style chinese, jumping around in the pan, give that leap in English is jumping and therefore skipped ("la sauté meat"). Speaking in Chinese, this dish originated in the first bars that Chinese immigrants have opened in Lima. Its preparation and the presence of soy sauce showed the fusion cuisine.
I do all the calculation but for those who are ready to animate it, pull some numbers.
Ingredients: 1 kilo of
file mignon 1 / 2 kilo of potatoes for frying
4 tomatoes 3 red onions 1 cup
white vinegar 4 tablespoons soy sauce 5 cloves garlic
3 sprigs of parsley
1 / 2 cup olive oil 2
yellow Peruvian peppers
Salt and pepper
Preparation: Cut the
file mignon baits in small, more or less 5cmx1.5cm, need not be exact, season with salt and pepper. "Sauté" the meat in olive oil and mix with the vinegar until golden, add the onion cut into thick strips, tomatoes too thick. The onions and tomatoes can not be fully cooked, they will fire to get the flavor of spice but not to soften. Before desilgar the stove, add the soy sauce and keep stirring un couple of minutes. Turn and place the fried potatoes, mix, then sprinkle with the chopped parsley. Who has the yellow Peruvian pepper can place it before shutting down fogo ou as decoração do prato. It serve rice branco com. E. ..... is atrevem ?????!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Clip Art On Simple Machines
- 3 ounces pisco breaks
- 1 ounce lemon juice
- 1 ounce simple syrup 1
- egg
- 5-6 ice cubes
- 3 drops of Angostura bitters
Blend the ice with pisco, lemon and sugar. Stir for a minute so, add the egg white and strike it with a blender that can reach up to 4 seconds at most. If you use shaker beat until you do not feel the blow of the ice.
Fill glass halfway careful not to spend a lot of foam. Then fill to fill the cup. Serve with drops of Angostura bitters.
Note: You must be careful to use only the egg white. Not available syrup, water and sugar can be used in the same proportions (eg for an ounce of syrup replaced by 1 / 2 ounce of sugar + 1 / 2 ounce of water and blend.) The Angostura bitters can be replaced with cinnamon. Serve in 4-ounce glasses.
There are many ways make a good pisco sour . A rule of thumb to keep in mind is to use a Pisco in Peru, in two varieties: aromatic breaks, use limes (citrus x aurantifolia), while more acidic, and squeeze the best time without squeezing the bitter end to prevent the juice of the shell. The aromatic pisco can be: two measures of pisco breaks and a measure of pisco acholado, Torontel or Italy. The remaining measures are maintained. C3% ADtulo_III: _Recetas_con_pisco/III.9_Pisco_sour_ (Per% C3% BA) # El_pisco_sour_en_el_Per.C3.BA
My Right Ovary Hurts, Why?
Talk of the chicha is to remember that Peru, the magic of our people, the taste of the holidays, religion, rituals, ceremonies, tradition, people speak of rural, Indians, is talking about the land of corn, the origins of man's emotional states, joy and melancholy of the gods and dreams, is to talk about important issues.
Chicha lives in the center of the Andean world, through time and across all regions Peruvian man, one way or another, have needed to communicate with the gods to take decisions about your life, body and soul. For this important task uses faith, meditation, various ceremonies, some hallucinogens and much chicha, which allow the sacred meeting.
In ancient Peru, all the nations inhabiting our vast territory obtained alcohol from corn and other cereals. The original process consisted of crushing grain and mixing it by mouth with saliva, and a paste was obtained which was collected in earthen vessels, which were then left to ferment and produce this "delicious" drink, Chicha, the drink of the Apus. Subsequently according to natural and technological development the corn is boiled for hours and the added various ingredients, which vary in each region.
Monday, May 11, 2009
How Much Would It Cost To Clean A Headstone

Sao Paulo follows the style of the network on the menu, decoration and Latin music. A team from Peru spent two months in Sao Paulo coaching the team to be headed by Fabio Barbosa (former sous chef of Emiliano). But during the first year of operation of the house remains a Peruvian chef in town.
specialties on the menu leave the counter. Are ceviches, raw fish marinated in lemon and served with onion and pepper; tiraditos, sliced \u200b\u200band marinated raw fish, no onions, and the causes, cookies very popular in Peru, made with potatoes, lemon and pepper on each amarillo and stuffed shrimp or fish. But there are also hot items such as rice. Colds costs around £ 30 and hot hover around £ 50. "The idea is to ask to split portions," suggests the chef. Installed
Tabapuã Street, after an investment of $ 3.6 million (at the same restaurant group Shimo) the hall is imposing, with 350 m², high ceilings and 130 seats. The decor combines natural light, plants, and chairs covered in turquoise nylon. A wall Indoor bamboo gives a certain air beachy.
La Mar
R. Tabapuã, 1410, Itaim Bibi, 3073-1213.
From 2nd to 6th, from 12h to 15h and from 19h to 24h and Sunday, lunch only, up to 17h
News in full: this- Cebicheria-and-la-mar, 2937.0. shtm
Friday, May 1, 2009
Skates Flat Feet Pain
As I know that 99% of visitors who pass through here, throwing in a low, almost does not read a comic in your life, what better option to start any comment here! Lose visits that exceed us! Well, if a few left over, according to the number of pedophiles that Google Analytics tells me that have come looking for pictures of the girl's vagina "Please Sign" ... at least up the counter, I think I'll put the word "vagina" in each entry for up visits (vagina, vagina, vagina, pulling fact, something else).
"Superman: Red Son"
(2003), published by DC under the Elseworlds label. This type is characterized by comic book superheroes put always in alternative worlds, the truth that quite irregular results (there are any more harmful than you can lay back in his face.) However, sometimes leaving them some pretty good, as the present one or
World "1984"

But what is a joy of this comic are alternative versions of the superheroes and characters ever. Apart from the version of Superman with the coat of the sickle and hammer, which I think better than the original suit (which is very classic, but it is peorcito), my favorite is undoubtedly the anarchist version of Batman, with its Russian hat wool and lined with explosives, ready to blow themselves up ... just great! There are plenty more, but I let you discover it yourself, if you are interested.