Dragon Ball Involution II: Conclusions and comments
This time, on another special request to the delight of some readers scavenger, plays a major criticism of thrushes film this year, for which I am afraid I will need to have on hand all my reservations Almax prozac forte and berries taste ... I mean the fearsome Dragon Ball Evolution
Monday, June 22, 2009
Creative Sound Module Sb0480 Manual
Although we had not heard anything about this movie, just download the file in question (God, no one comes to mind paying a hard to see this product), we realize that only lasts an hour and quarter credits included (looks like a short film). This is a simple warning of what is going to be curradísima this adaptation, which I advance is a film of series B absolute, we have tried to sell it as something big (and I stress it's "tried" because no one believed him , the thymus was seen for miles).
The greatest interest of the film lies in trying to find out if those responsible were aware of the huge piece of shit that they were marking, which, with a dose of humor, the film for a laugh coast of the same ... it's something. Introduces the characters, to call in some way because they are flatter than a chrome one more hateful and Panini:

The greatest interest of the film lies in trying to find out if those responsible were aware of the huge piece of shit that they were marking, which, with a dose of humor, the film for a laugh coast of the same ... it's something. Introduces the characters, to call in some way because they are flatter than a chrome one more hateful and Panini:
is clear that the casting has been one of the great successes of this production. We all remember that Goku was good at fighting, but was half an idiot and did not hear or node, and it is evident that the face of subnormal depth that makes this gala Justin Chatwin movie does a perfect fit the character of the original character. Slicked, salidorro (passed the whole movie trying to link) and eager to be popular, "calcadito" we all knew the character of the series, just keeps the orange jumpsuit house brand ... By the way, stands out as the only student in your class who does not call by name (perhaps Goku is also the name and called Goku Goku, namely).
is clear that the casting has been one of the great successes of this production. We all remember that Goku was good at fighting, but was half an idiot and did not hear or node, and it is evident that the face of subnormal depth that makes this gala Justin Chatwin movie does a perfect fit the character of the original character. Slicked, salidorro (passed the whole movie trying to link) and eager to be popular, "calcadito" we all knew the character of the series, just keeps the orange jumpsuit house brand ... By the way, stands out as the only student in your class who does not call by name (perhaps Goku is also the name and called Goku Goku, namely).
If the series was always trying to excel and be the strongest, Goku in real life he wants to get her hot, thanks to their hormones get triggered level up and defeat Piccolo, which at first now it seems complicated, since that very nearly palm pussy shot in a scene.
trigger-happy, aggressive and stuck to shoehorn into the plot, accompanied by Goku in the search for seven magical balls. The director had put details of a tuft of blue hair, to let us know how it was understood that the character in the original story, in a repulsive nod to the fans, although he probably asked his nephew what small. It is the only character who has come to give me disgust, but I could not explain why, since it is so repulsive or more than the rest. For the wankers, here shows no panties as in the series. Grandpa Gohan
powered by 3D Studio Max :
is Chinese and knows the logical consequence martial arts (people are born already knowing this.) It has a dragon ball and die, but not before dropping a few philosophical phrases straight from the book market fat Petete ("your strength is inside," "do not trust your senses"). Moreover, their presence is completely useless.
result of unnatural sexual union of a bad Power Rangers and a beggar, he is the lord of evil (insert sound of thunder here) and the main enemy of our hero, who tried to overcome by a weak fire (
), which throws her hands and the odd shot of steroids. Despite being the main villain, does absolutely nothing until the end of the film and virtually no speech, his background is completely nulo.Supongo the writers thought it would be so stunned by the complex argument, which no one would notice .. . The stark reality is that nobody cares.
Pilaf henchman, which did not remember or bitches, here becomes one of the main villains, thanks to the magic Hollywood. Endowed with great charisma and personality, all it does is remarkable beat with an angry face and a considerable cleavage (ENTIRE body covered takes less tits, to compensate disgruntled wankers with Bulma). Oh, and can fly with a jetpack!
Piccolo and his wife on holiday in Benidorm

: This girl vaginal name is the interest Goku's love throughout the whole movie and supposedly his future wife, although she put more high school bullies. It is the engine of the film, since all of Goku progress based on the clever application of their skills calientapolliles at appropriate times. BY THE WAY IS CHINA AND KNOW MARTIAL ARTS, AGAIN!
Master Roshi: Interpreted by Chow Yun-fat in hours very low, which I imagine will need to do things how are you to eat and buy the drug that is because during the whole film, this character seems slightly to we already know: hermit martial arts master, a lover of women and comic relief of the film. The problem is not living on an island, but AT THE SIDE OF AN APARTMENT DOWNTOWN! Of course, who would suspect it is KNOW CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS. He was the master of Goku's grandfather, but of course it is much younger than him, which is quite absurd.
Hobbies: Find the seven differences
If you look down the street, I give the watch
and portfolio
Teto: Surprisingly this character does not appear. It must have been in the editing room, to my dismay. Teto, wherever you are, you will live forever in our hearts. In
thing an hour or less, the second part of the criticism ...
thing an hour or less, the second part of the criticism ...
Reviews Of Entry Level Spotting Scopes
Dragon Ball Involution I: Characters
Venture 12 years time, when the series was well dead child, sleeping the sleep of the just that so deservedly won. The concept of time travel could not be resumed after the second installment, it was clear that was not anymore. A third party, if any, had to take place and in the future, at war against the machines, with humanity survive like rats against mechanical armies greatly outnumbered them ... or they thought the fans, but lacked the "cunning" of the producers of the third installment.
Terminator 3: Terminator 2 Back! And now with more boobs!
(2003) Venture 12 years time, when the series was well dead child, sleeping the sleep of the just that so deservedly won. The concept of time travel could not be resumed after the second installment, it was clear that was not anymore. A third party, if any, had to take place and in the future, at war against the machines, with humanity survive like rats against mechanical armies greatly outnumbered them ... or they thought the fans, but lacked the "cunning" of the producers of the third installment.

Terminator 3: Terminator 2 Back! And now with more boobs!
hydraulic mythical phrases: Tell
hand (
Call for help: someone explain to me the meaning of sentence please!) And finally, we reached the absolute pathos whole saga must be reprehensible ... that delivers so everyone decides to appoint her to look away embarrassed while lowering his voice. The most positive thing you can say about this issue is that at least no is "Batman and Robin." Below, an excerpt from the original conception of the plot of this movie.

Call for help: someone explain to me the meaning of sentence please!) And finally, we reached the absolute pathos whole saga must be reprehensible ... that delivers so everyone decides to appoint her to look away embarrassed while lowering his voice. The most positive thing you can say about this issue is that at least no is "Batman and Robin." Below, an excerpt from the original conception of the plot of this movie.
Meeting Terminator 3, the day July 13, 2002, Hollywood
Producer 2: Bah, I know ... look, a cyborg from the future to kill John Connor ...
Producer 3: That sounds, do not you have done? (Hits a $ 100 bill in the thong of a mulatto woman who dances on the table) Fellow: Yes sir, that was the argument of the first two ... I can go home now? Is that my mother is concerned, a week ago that does not see me.
Producer 1: Well, hmmm, and if we put him more tits?
juas, juas that clever! You cane, hand me another Cuban cigar ...
Producer: (you fit a host to the fellow) and subnormal matter what the fuck? Nobody is going to notice! Fired because asshole!
Phrases mythic
Mmmmm ... no ...
And finally, the latest installment ... what the fans had been calling, arrived at last. The film would be set in the future, at war against the machines, great!. John Connor would be Christian Bale, great! The script was going to monitor James Cameron, great!. And besides, the director would be McG ...
For if, my friends, a rapper named director and responsible for two crappy infrapelículas was in charge of a franchise so important ... why? Who knows ... More to the point: the film is not bad. It's forgettable, but it is visible. At least not leave the cinema with the feeling of having thrown away 7 euros. Of course, the script has not seen James Cameron or in a photo taken by satellite.
- But is it as very cumbersome and not used? Fucking sucks that we do not have any idea what the hell to write.
- Oh, but if people are stupid, plus no one reads you, who cares.
- Well, the truth that if we give a plan capita as well as ultra stale tribute to the saga, like school, right?.
- For that, let it rip.
So as a tribute (not at all influenced by my laziness), we will make a brief review of this saga, action film icon, the movie "science fiction-cum-hosts -as-bread "(with Matrix and Robocop) and film" cheap exploitations generator (ROTOR, Retaliator, Cyborg ...). On the exploitations of the saga, there are people much better me to write, so do not go into the subject, but would generate more than one entry. First things first, as God and the ISO standard rule.
Terminator: Serie B with good ideas (1984)
Producer 1: Well, hmmm, and if we put him more tits?
Who, Sarah Connor? Linda Hamilton is the largest and ...
Producer 2: For the kill and introduce a hottie, total if a robot does not need to know how to act! Moreover, just the pajilleros who see these movies will enjoy his solitary life. 3 Producer: And as we call it, T-2000? T-3000? Producer 2: As bad and sticks to the men, dominatrix ... no, better Terminatrix!
Producer 1: Producer 2: For the kill and introduce a hottie, total if a robot does not need to know how to act! Moreover, just the pajilleros who see these movies will enjoy his solitary life. 3 Producer: And as we call it, T-2000? T-3000? Producer 2: As bad and sticks to the men, dominatrix ... no, better Terminatrix!
juas, juas that clever! You cane, hand me another Cuban cigar ...
Lord, and who put the star?
Lord, and who put the star?
Producer 2: Well, Arnold, delayed, to whom shall we wear? Scholar:
But sir, Arnold is old and has pleats ... 3
But sir, Arnold is old and has pleats ... 3
But sir, if I pay ...
Producer 1: Yes, but we could pay a non-blonde 19 years ... out of here kid!
The movie is pretty pathetic, but I must admit I'm exaggerating a bit, at least the action scenes are well resolved and are spectacular, they viewed these times is no small thing. Jonathan Mostow ... according to IMDB seems not to have done something worthy in your life ... well, it's mediocre, but the script can not do much more. The rest (now I) is an absolute hogwash:
1) The complex plot to control product control c + v (copy and paste) on the script for the sequel ... it's completely same! 2) Kristanna Lokken, making Terminatrix, is very good, but acting is pathetic and shameful. In the action scenes is not bad, yes, it is fibrosilla.
3) Schwarzenegger offers an array of real embarrassment ... the years are heavy and it shows repeatedly showing their chichas colgonas, worthy of the most advanced of the Skynet infiltration cyborgs capable of passing unnoticed among cuepos Danone we could see, for example, in a Barca-Madrid or in a bullfight at Las Ventas. Nobody would be able to distinguish! 4) The constant little jokes and teasing the series, which are assumed ironic, do not cause any grace, but absolute bewilderment. View the terminator with sunglasses Elton John festival-goers in plan is to lose all respect instantly to the saga and some sanity, rebound. 5) John Connor and groom ... fresh from the spring-summer sales of department stores in the casting: two actors without charisma for the price of a gift ... and a mediocre director!
6) The continuity and consistency of the two previous movies going directly to the bathroom. Everything is meaningless and any excuse is true that in the end there is a war against the machines and can do more and more sequels. 7) The cyborg gives bad feeling less dangerous and cumbersome than the previous film.
Vale, retirement point 7, technological progress is indisputable ...
In summary churresca movie ... but not expecting anything, with some popcorn on a boring afternoon, may be minimally entertaining. If you have not seen it, watch it at your own risk, I wash my hands.
Terminator Salvation:
Edward Scissorhands meets Mad Max meets Transformers (2009)
Producer 1: Yes, but we could pay a non-blonde 19 years ... out of here kid!
The movie is pretty pathetic, but I must admit I'm exaggerating a bit, at least the action scenes are well resolved and are spectacular, they viewed these times is no small thing. Jonathan Mostow ... according to IMDB seems not to have done something worthy in your life ... well, it's mediocre, but the script can not do much more. The rest (now I) is an absolute hogwash:
1) The complex plot to control product control c + v (copy and paste) on the script for the sequel ... it's completely same! 2) Kristanna Lokken, making Terminatrix, is very good, but acting is pathetic and shameful. In the action scenes is not bad, yes, it is fibrosilla.
3) Schwarzenegger offers an array of real embarrassment ... the years are heavy and it shows repeatedly showing their chichas colgonas, worthy of the most advanced of the Skynet infiltration cyborgs capable of passing unnoticed among cuepos Danone we could see, for example, in a Barca-Madrid or in a bullfight at Las Ventas. Nobody would be able to distinguish! 4) The constant little jokes and teasing the series, which are assumed ironic, do not cause any grace, but absolute bewilderment. View the terminator with sunglasses Elton John festival-goers in plan is to lose all respect instantly to the saga and some sanity, rebound. 5) John Connor and groom ... fresh from the spring-summer sales of department stores in the casting: two actors without charisma for the price of a gift ... and a mediocre director!
6) The continuity and consistency of the two previous movies going directly to the bathroom. Everything is meaningless and any excuse is true that in the end there is a war against the machines and can do more and more sequels. 7) The cyborg gives bad feeling less dangerous and cumbersome than the previous film.
Vale, retirement point 7, technological progress is indisputable ...
In summary churresca movie ... but not expecting anything, with some popcorn on a boring afternoon, may be minimally entertaining. If you have not seen it, watch it at your own risk, I wash my hands.
Terminator Salvation:
Edward Scissorhands meets Mad Max meets Transformers (2009)
Scale score
Terminator: 2 robots who had a kind human heart

Phrases mythic
Mmmmm ... no ...
And finally, the latest installment ... what the fans had been calling, arrived at last. The film would be set in the future, at war against the machines, great!. John Connor would be Christian Bale, great! The script was going to monitor James Cameron, great!. And besides, the director would be McG ...
- McQuie?? - McG
- And that he is? - The Charlie's Angels 1 and 2

For if, my friends, a rapper named director and responsible for two crappy infrapelículas was in charge of a franchise so important ... why? Who knows ... More to the point: the film is not bad. It's forgettable, but it is visible. At least not leave the cinema with the feeling of having thrown away 7 euros. Of course, the script has not seen James Cameron or in a photo taken by satellite.
McG's direction is plain little action scenes are spectacular (it's the least we can ask them these movies) and the actors are not bad.: Christian Bale ago its role as tough as ever, Bryce Dallas Howard role of girl-that-doesn't-have-broken-a-plate-in-your-life and Sam Worthington always match what is expected of her character. The script has some holes and some gaps to jump or not the Hulk and has less content than Carpanta stomach (the story of misunderstood cyborg had no heart who creates it), but we will not be too demanding, which worse was the third installment.
As main negative point is not whether due to budget or why, the future is now a desolate wilderness (with a touch of Mad Max) and an incredible lack of Terminators. It's all very empty, that is not the future that showed the previous films far from giving a sense of mundanity and lack of dough that pulls back. In addition, the sepia tone that have made the movie (imagine that to give a sense of desolation and sadness), it makes you ask yourself during the viewing if you're starting to suffer from color blindness ... is an easy and free resource, I wonder if Americans would roll to a filter Espinete pink to feel happy ... I would only eyes on the screen! Sobran also plenty of moments "Transformers", which are not very story. That yes, very good and unexpected the appearance of the Governator CGI, returning the role that made him famous, but, again, it smells far the cutrez and thrifty zeal that permeates the film (the face of scorched Schwarzy disappears after 10 seconds to go, to save little money, that are CGI expensive. In those 10 seconds, 5 will focus on the legs).
Before concluding, it should be mentioned briefly
series The Sarah Connor Chronicles
, with John Connor at the institute and a female terminator protecting him (which weary, mother) and say that is half-right, although it has already was canceled after two seasons. Also highlight, as a curiosity, the crossovers
in comic form (scripted by Frank Miller) and video game, between the two cyborgs most famous in film history: Robocop vs
. Terminator
Otherwise, no objections, a semi-decentilla dangerous to spend the summer arrives with a bag of popcorn and a coke, especially taking into account what is in theaters. Do not expect much and will not leave disappointed. The penalty is that it could have been much longer and gas is half, but could have been worse.
Before concluding, it should be mentioned briefly
series The Sarah Connor Chronicles
, with John Connor at the institute and a female terminator protecting him (which weary, mother) and say that is half-right, although it has already was canceled after two seasons. Also highlight, as a curiosity, the crossovers
in comic form (scripted by Frank Miller) and video game, between the two cyborgs most famous in film history: Robocop vs
. Terminator
. As I have not read, or played, or seen any of these things, I am forced to ignore them, but to parrot the cover of the game, which is a pastiche of the two respective infectious images of the films stuck in a shabby black background ... if I see a game with a cover so I'll buy salchichera or joke.
Theirs would be to end the inning with a "return" or "Sayonara, baby", but my sense of ridicule prevents me from doing Conform with a "bye" ... see you at the next!

Friday, June 12, 2009
Lektor Pl - Filmy Online
The Return of the cyborg with
When you come home tired after jumping all afternoon flights transporting furniture, the truth that is not to think of a topic, so I play one on one dialogue with my left brain, which is almost brand new, to see what can be do:
- What could write today?
- Well the last thing we did was go to the cinema to see the latest Terminator ... you could tell something about that ... When you come home tired after jumping all afternoon flights transporting furniture, the truth that is not to think of a topic, so I play one on one dialogue with my left brain, which is almost brand new, to see what can be do:

- What could write today?
- Oh, but if people are stupid, plus no one reads you, who cares.
- Well, the truth that if we give a plan capita as well as ultra stale tribute to the saga, like school, right?.
- For that, let it rip.
- Vale.
- Are we going to prostitutes?
- Come, go, but this may not be my grungy, who then complain pharmacy that we leave out of stock of penicillin.
- Are we going to prostitutes?
- Come, go, but this may not be my grungy, who then complain pharmacy that we leave out of stock of penicillin.

Terminator: Serie B with good ideas (1984)
Terminator Scale score: 3 jects
suarzenagüer robotic phrases
Follow me if you want to live (Kyle Reese),
be back (Terminator)
I think that by now no surprise to anyone that the creator of the Terminator saga
is Mr.
Dragon Ball,
in spent 50 million bucks and the effects seem to be made with a ZX Spectrum +2). Following the same perfectionist zeal, if the technology you need to shoot one of his films has not been invented yet, the guy goes and does that make up (watch for his new movie Avatar
The concept of Terminator, it seems, came from a dream that Mr Cameron had a dream ... that featured a metal skeleton wrapped in flames (which balls will dine this man). From his obsession with that image, developed the film that we all know, with a fairly low budget, which is noted in the special effects, as seen today are completely infected. The argument is well known: a humanoid cyborg is sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor, mother of the human resistance leader in the war against machines (John Connor) and that it shall defend Kyle Reese, human soldier of the future from the cyborg and, in the end prove to be the father of John Connor (Spoiler!! Spoiler!)
originally The terminator must be a cyborg spy, discreet and able to mingle with the crowd without attracting attention, which was considered to Lance Henriksen (who later would play a very distinct cyborg Aliens, Cameron also). The friend was supposed to make Schwarzy Kyle Reese, but ended up infatuated with the role of villain, thus making the Terminator in the face wardrobe stone we all know and love (with or without lust, and depends on each one and level of oil). The role, given its qualities as an actor, is that neither painted with Conan (another animal with less sensitivity than a brick) is one of the best roles of his career, say that there is not much difference one another ...
The concept mix of time travel, cyborgs and classic action film was the most original and ended up grossing film far more than the misery that had cost, so the sequel was assured, but we would expect another 7 years ...
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
Terminator Scale score: 5
liquid metal transvestites
Now we have caught Skynet by the balls (John Connor)
Terminator Scale score: 5
liquid metal transvestites
Phrases mythic
Sayonara, baby ( or hasta la vista, baby, according to version) (
Now we have caught Skynet by the balls (John Connor)
In this film, Cameron already had an astronomical budget and technology was finally to meet the needs of a film of this nature. The result, although the concept had ceased to surprise, the truth is light years ahead of the previous release.
The main problem is ... a cyborg can be more powerful than we've seen? Cameron shows us that yes, give us a villain infinitely more deadly and powerful (the T-1000 played by Robert Patrick), capable of making pulp Schwarzenegger, speedily. Once again, humanity was at a disadvantage, but the ending offers a chance of hope for humanity to have avoided the creation of Skynet and, in theory, the war against the machines. The saga had concluded and the future was safe from the machines ... but what would the greedy producers who wanted to fill the pockets of fresh pastuza? The truth is no, but we'll see in the second part of the retrospective.
Pet Period Sanitary Napkins
flab Give me your boots, your clothes and your motorcycle
As this week I have no time to write anything fairly extensive, I'll throw again in brief ... in this case the most striking thing that has been seen at the E3 this year. And for once, is quite impressive ... Microsoft's conference, Mr. Peter Molyneux we presented a technical demo for a new peripheral for Xbox 360, called for now
Natal. This device allows you to interact with the console without using any other input device, simply gesturing in the air. So far, it is nothing too spectacular, but combined with artificial intelligence can give results like this video, interesting and terrifying in equal parts, in which we see as the girl speaks in a natural way with a virtual child, collect things, interact with the environment and even happens shaped objects quite natural and realistic (note the time when he passes the drawing on paper) ...
other words, we are promised full interaction with a very advanced artificial intelligence, and a dip than ever before, which makes diapers criapolvo stuff like Wii . I, knowing the history of this gentleman, a recognized expert on sales of smoke, I think end up being a monumental bluff, which recognize four chorraditas and little else ...
As this week I have no time to write anything fairly extensive, I'll throw again in brief ... in this case the most striking thing that has been seen at the E3 this year. And for once, is quite impressive ... Microsoft's conference, Mr. Peter Molyneux we presented a technical demo for a new peripheral for Xbox 360, called for now
Natal. This device allows you to interact with the console without using any other input device, simply gesturing in the air. So far, it is nothing too spectacular, but combined with artificial intelligence can give results like this video, interesting and terrifying in equal parts, in which we see as the girl speaks in a natural way with a virtual child, collect things, interact with the environment and even happens shaped objects quite natural and realistic (note the time when he passes the drawing on paper) ...
other words, we are promised full interaction with a very advanced artificial intelligence, and a dip than ever before, which makes diapers criapolvo stuff like Wii . I, knowing the history of this gentleman, a recognized expert on sales of smoke, I think end up being a monumental bluff, which recognize four chorraditas and little else ...
Still, if I raised the possibility that a half-time during simulation can be reached human behavior closely to reality. Processing power already exists, we only have algorithms that can simulate the functioning of the brain. Is this something positive? Anything negative? "Further isolate human beings in society, and in itself prone to isolation, in which we live today, or simply be used to help people who need company and can not get otherwise (such as the elderly or disabled)? To be seen, but the future looks interesting ...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
When Is Fsh Testing Done
Project NATAL ... sale of smoke?
are also difficult times for fans of animation ... the genre, having made great classic films, is now cornered Foul products made with the free demo of 3d studio max and a budget equivalent to the return of bread. Children are lobotomized and over again with the same argument (albeit with different animal characters, that was missed) and the same moral lessons termomix past by the big studios, so that your digestion is as easy as possible and there is no ambiguity. How many times have we seen and misunderstood history of the protagonist, who after decubirir an unknown talent and have great trouble, get the win at the hands of his friends, with great fun and joy of all present? How many times can lose an acorn squirrel before he leaves to grace? (In my case, one). These are questions that certainly do not pass through the mind of the people of the Fox, for instance. They are very clear that children are mindless creatures that eat anything and parents ...." keep them happy with a couple of fart jokes and the thong that looks out to Pinocchio, juas juas that laughter truly burst that jachondos ...". Luckily for them, they work. From here you ask, well do not ask, I demand a movie with a platypus who discovers an excellent tap dancer and decides to try his luck in the big city with his faithful friend, a tapeworm which occasionally rears its head to loosen her asshole funny comments. After fighting, both find that friendship is more important (especially for tapeworm, a parasite) and assembled a group of highly successful rock with a rat coward, who ultimately discovers that he can be a hero if he tries.
are also difficult times for fans of animation ... the genre, having made great classic films, is now cornered Foul products made with the free demo of 3d studio max and a budget equivalent to the return of bread. Children are lobotomized and over again with the same argument (albeit with different animal characters, that was missed) and the same moral lessons termomix past by the big studios, so that your digestion is as easy as possible and there is no ambiguity. How many times have we seen and misunderstood history of the protagonist, who after decubirir an unknown talent and have great trouble, get the win at the hands of his friends, with great fun and joy of all present? How many times can lose an acorn squirrel before he leaves to grace? (In my case, one). These are questions that certainly do not pass through the mind of the people of the Fox, for instance. They are very clear that children are mindless creatures that eat anything and parents ...." keep them happy with a couple of fart jokes and the thong that looks out to Pinocchio, juas juas that laughter truly burst that jachondos ...". Luckily for them, they work. From here you ask, well do not ask, I demand a movie with a platypus who discovers an excellent tap dancer and decides to try his luck in the big city with his faithful friend, a tapeworm which occasionally rears its head to loosen her asshole funny comments. After fighting, both find that friendship is more important (especially for tapeworm, a parasite) and assembled a group of highly successful rock with a rat coward, who ultimately discovers that he can be a hero if he tries.
Fortunately, we enjoy well-done animation still have two studies in which we can always trust. One is PIXAR, although usually sin to some extent of the defects that commented in the previous paragraph, always a guarantee of quality animation, good scripts and charismatic. The other is the
cabezón of
(known as the "Japanese Walt Disney"), which resists with all his might to make the leap to the "dimensionality", luckily for all those who try to follow their work. The epithet "Japanese Walt Disney" is not free, and shares many features Miyazaki him. Disney Pena friend is already stiffer than the roe, for a film directed by these two masters of animation would surely have been a sight to behold.

( Princess Mononoke is a typical movie with a little less violent content could have come from Disney in his prime. Now would not achieve this quality, or selling the soul of its executives to Satan (which, undoubtedly, have already done several times over the years). Furthermore, if made, would have to put Hannah Montana on horseback and Zac Efron singing mojabragas and see how fit into the plot ...
Mononoke's story is all a hymn to nature, to ecology and the fear of progress. Progress here, embodies absolute evil, but because it brings the greed of men and the devastation of the natural world. The main villain, Lady Eboshi, is not really evil, it's just a woman with convictions, fighting for what he thinks best for his family. Defend himself against an alleged "princess" that continues to be a terrorist with an army of animals under his command. I will not break the story further, very very epic, because perhaps some day make a post exclusively for this film, which on a personal basis, I think one of the greatest masterpieces of animation, mostly seen on big screen. If you have not seen, and you are taking longer.
Chihiro is the Japanese equivalent of Lewis Carroll's Alice
but without mirrors to cross in the middle. In this case, the journey of the girl (the spirit world) begins when their parents are turned into pigs by an evil witch. From there, the film is a constant waste of fantasy and curious creatures, with many strange and varied designs, and for that alone is worth a view. (My favorite is the giant baby you see in the picture below) Although it is longer than Mononoke and is a little more Rarita sometimes (rather I should say "less commercial"), is also a real gem that deserves to be seen at least once. No wonder they won the Oscar for best animated film, which is not undeserved, and being as they are the Yankees, always sweep for the home, if they give it to a Japanese film for something be ...
addition, the film exudes a good vibe all, without any hint of evil or danger. It is impossible to watch this movie and not be a little happier ending! That if, needless to say that it is hyper-child, but such children's films that treats children with gross condescension and paternalism, but only offers imagination and good intentions ... the rest should put them in your part. Be assured that if ever I have the fortune (or misfortune) of having a child, I will buy this movie because if all kids' movies were like Totoro, would dawn ...
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