Monday, June 22, 2009

Reviews Of Entry Level Spotting Scopes

Dragon Ball Involution I: Characters

Venture 12 years time, when the series was well dead child, sleeping the sleep of the just that so deservedly won. The concept of time travel could not be resumed after the second installment, it was clear that was not anymore. A third party, if any, had to take place and in the future, at war against the machines, with humanity survive like rats against mechanical armies greatly outnumbered them ... or they thought the fans, but lacked the "cunning" of the producers of the third installment.
Terminator 3: Terminator 2 Back! And now with more boobs!

Terminator Scale score: 1 pair of breasts
hydraulic mythical phrases: Tell hand (
Call for help: someone explain to me the meaning of sentence please!) And finally, we reached the absolute pathos whole saga must be reprehensible ... that delivers so everyone decides to appoint her to look away embarrassed while lowering his voice. The most positive thing you can say about this issue is that at least no is "Batman and Robin." Below, an excerpt from the original conception of the plot of this movie.

Meeting Terminator 3, the day July 13, 2002, Hollywood

Producer 1: Come, gentlemen, arguments for the sequel to Terminator ... sniiiuuuurf! (snorts a line of coke)

Producer 2: Bah, I know ... look, a cyborg from the future to kill John Connor ...
Producer 3: That sounds, do not you have done? (Hits a $ 100 bill in the thong of a mulatto woman who dances on the table) Fellow: Yes sir, that was the argument of the first two ... I can go home now? Is that my mother is concerned, a week ago that does not see me.
Producer 1: Well, hmmm, and if we put him more tits?
Who, Sarah Connor? Linda Hamilton is the largest and ...
Producer 2: For the kill and introduce a hottie, total if a robot does not need to know how to act! Moreover, just the pajilleros who see these movies will enjoy his solitary life. 3 Producer: And as we call it, T-2000? T-3000? Producer 2: As bad and sticks to the men, dominatrix ... no, better Terminatrix!
Producer 1:
juas, juas that clever! You cane, hand me another Cuban cigar ...
Lord, and who put the star?

Producer 2: Well, Arnold, delayed, to whom shall we wear? Scholar:
But sir, Arnold is old and has pleats ... 3
Producer: (you fit a host to the fellow) and subnormal matter what the fuck? Nobody is going to notice! Fired because asshole!
But sir, if I pay ...
Producer 1: Yes, but we could pay a non-blonde 19 years ... out of here kid!

The movie is pretty pathetic, but I must admit I'm exaggerating a bit, at least the action scenes are well resolved and are spectacular, they viewed these times is no small thing. Jonathan Mostow ... according to IMDB seems not to have done something worthy in your life ... well, it's mediocre, but the script can not do much more. The rest (now I) is an absolute hogwash:
1) The complex plot to control product control c + v (copy and paste) on the script for the sequel ... it's completely same! 2) Kristanna Lokken, making Terminatrix, is very good, but acting is pathetic and shameful. In the action scenes is not bad, yes, it is fibrosilla.
3) Schwarzenegger offers an array of real embarrassment ... the years are heavy and it shows repeatedly showing their chichas colgonas, worthy of the most advanced of the Skynet infiltration cyborgs capable of passing unnoticed among cuepos Danone we could see, for example, in a Barca-Madrid or in a bullfight at Las Ventas. Nobody would be able to distinguish! 4) The constant little jokes and teasing the series, which are assumed ironic, do not cause any grace, but absolute bewilderment. View the terminator with sunglasses Elton John festival-goers in plan is to lose all respect instantly to the saga and some sanity, rebound. 5) John Connor and groom ... fresh from the spring-summer sales of department stores in the casting: two actors without charisma for the price of a gift ... and a mediocre director!
6) The continuity and consistency of the two previous movies going directly to the bathroom. Everything is meaningless and any excuse is true that in the end there is a war against the machines and can do more and more sequels. 7) The cyborg gives bad feeling less dangerous and cumbersome than the previous film.

Vale, retirement point 7, technological progress is indisputable ...

In summary churresca movie ... but not expecting anything, with some popcorn on a boring afternoon, may be minimally entertaining. If you have not seen it, watch it at your own risk, I wash my hands.

Terminator Salvation:
Edward Scissorhands meets Mad Max meets Transformers (2009)

Scale score Terminator: 2 robots who had a kind human heart

Phrases mythic

Mmmmm ... no ...

And finally, the latest installment ... what the fans had been calling, arrived at last. The film would be set in the future, at war against the machines, great!. John Connor would be Christian Bale, great! The script was going to monitor James Cameron, great!. And besides, the director would be McG ...

- McQuie?? - McG - And that he is? - The Charlie's Angels 1 and 2

For if, my friends, a rapper named director and responsible for two crappy infrapelículas was in charge of a franchise so important ... why? Who knows ... More to the point: the film is not bad. It's forgettable, but it is visible. At least not leave the cinema with the feeling of having thrown away 7 euros. Of course, the script has not seen James Cameron or in a photo taken by satellite.
McG's direction is plain little action scenes are spectacular (it's the least we can ask them these movies) and the actors are not bad.: Christian Bale ago its role as tough as ever, Bryce Dallas Howard role of girl-that-doesn't-have-broken-a-plate-in-your-life and Sam Worthington always match what is expected of her character. The script has some holes and some gaps to jump or not the Hulk and has less content than Carpanta stomach (the story of misunderstood cyborg had no heart who creates it), but we will not be too demanding, which worse was the third installment.

As main negative point is not whether due to budget or why, the future is now a desolate wilderness (with a touch of Mad Max) and an incredible lack of Terminators. It's all very empty, that is not the future that showed the previous films far from giving a sense of mundanity and lack of dough that pulls back. In addition, the sepia tone that have made the movie (imagine that to give a sense of desolation and sadness), it makes you ask yourself during the viewing if you're starting to suffer from color blindness ... is an easy and free resource, I wonder if Americans would roll to a filter Espinete pink to feel happy ... I would only eyes on the screen! Sobran also plenty of moments "Transformers", which are not very story. That yes, very good and unexpected the appearance of the Governator CGI, returning the role that made him famous, but, again, it smells far the cutrez and thrifty zeal that permeates the film (the face of scorched Schwarzy disappears after 10 seconds to go, to save little money, that are CGI expensive. In those 10 seconds, 5 will focus on the legs).
Otherwise, no objections, a semi-decentilla dangerous to spend the summer arrives with a bag of popcorn and a coke, especially taking into account what is in theaters. Do not expect much and will not leave disappointed. The penalty is that it could have been much longer and gas is half, but could have been worse.

Before concluding, it should be mentioned briefly
series The Sarah Connor Chronicles

, with John Connor at the institute and a female terminator protecting him (which weary, mother) and say that is half-right, although it has already was canceled after two seasons. Also highlight, as a curiosity, the crossovers

in comic form (scripted by Frank Miller) and video game, between the two cyborgs most famous in film history: Robocop vs
. Terminator
. As I have not read, or played, or seen any of these things, I am forced to ignore them, but to parrot the cover of the game, which is a pastiche of the two respective infectious images of the films stuck in a shabby black background ... if I see a game with a cover so I'll buy salchichera or joke. Theirs would be to end the inning with a "return" or "Sayonara, baby", but my sense of ridicule prevents me from doing Conform with a "bye" ... see you at the next!


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