summer Games I: Ghostbusters video game Blockbuster
Well, we're in August, that he will. Solecito season, chulopiscinas, topless, drunk and guiris with excess solar radiation in the body. But ... what can a decent human being when you get bored of doing nothing productive all day? Well, among other options, you can continue doing nothing productive and cane stick a bit of all those games that accumulate on the shelf gathering dust for lack of time for the rest of the year ... so, I propose two recommendations veranete summer to spend more entertaining. Go with the former.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
(Terminal Reality, 2009)
Normally, games based on movies tend to be real turds, which only serve to discharge the accumulated stress, based on curse all the pedigree of the developers. Let's say that rather than publish, companies often release these games. the market. Luckily, Ghostbusters: The Video Game is one of the few exceptions to this rule. The platforms on which leaves are the usual: PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Also There are versions for PS2, PSP and Wii, but have nothing to do with the one discussed here, presenting an aesthetic closer to the cartoon.
Y is an exception because it shows that it is a game made with love and time. It involved all the actors and side of the original films, with the exception of Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver (replaced by Alyssa Milano, and later regretted not having worked in the game, what I say from here: fuck YOU, SIGOURNEY, have thought of before.) If he goes to Vigo the Carpathian, as I would like it!. The script
(Ray) and Harold Ramis

- The revenge of the little doll INCREDIBLE marshmallows. May burst at last face that bitch aberration of glucose from the ninth circle of hell!
- Charisma, shaping and bending of the main characters.
- The perfection achieved in the use of all tools of the trade. You throw yourself all afternoon chasing ghosts without getting bored.
- The script and places "known" that makes us go, as well as other places and characters that were named in the movies but had not yet seen. If you want to know what a Sloar or ghost story of the librarian, you have here.
- Bill Murray and Peter Venkman are still the fucking masters after many years.
- Bill Murray and Peter Venkman are still the fucking masters after many years.
weak points:
- It is quite short and Easy,. Ghostbusters do not die easily, so it seems.
- There are some blurry textures (in the PS3 version at least), they sing a lot.
- is a very scripted game. Often, our partners will be left standing like idiots waiting to get to the point and will open the door or press a button. When there is fighting, seem to quadriplegics.
- It is interesting to visit the headquarters of the Ghostbusters, but there is almost nothing to do there, except to hear a message, select the containment unit or talk to Vigo. It is somewhat bland.
- There are some blurry textures (in the PS3 version at least), they sing a lot.
- It is interesting to visit the headquarters of the Ghostbusters, but there is almost nothing to do there, except to hear a message, select the containment unit or talk to Vigo. It is somewhat bland.
Video Games clear what would be the most appropriate: BAR. This traditional, ubiquitous in any English street (if you are able to walk over 500 meters without finding one, be careful because there is a high probability that you're cruising on the highway), contains all the basic concepts that identify us as a country, both within and beyond our borders: bulls, football, alcohol, greasy food, revelry and unwilling to work (plus a healthy dose of legs, big bellies forged based on a strict Mediterranean diet and mustache). And I, as good English, I spent much of my childhood in one of these places, but not because my parents had any drinking problem, but spending the money on those infernal inventions that emptied the pockets of countless children in the 80's and early 90's, mainly: the arcade. Capable of both better (countless hours of fun) and worst (blow your fights at home for pay in less time than it takes to become a gayola Flash), these lovable aircraft and deserved at least a blog entry . Someday we will make another entry on the fauna of the arcades, that also has cloth.
In this first talk superficially one of the most popular genres in his time: "I am against the neighborhood, better known as scroll side and a degree of depth on stage. They often have time limits, but the truth is that never get to die for it (imagine that programmers think it was a palmar mariconada so having better killers by hand) and several characters to choose from, with their strengths and weaknesses. I've always loved this kind of games ... the very idea that a guy decides to become involved the blanket to the head and rubs bundling to its snout against an entire army with the sole help of leftovers to be found within garbage containers (which, of course, also be based on open slaps) I feel great ... distribute justice the American way!
Kung-Fu Master jueguecillos as
, Renegade
, Renegade
, Kung-Fu Master
... However, the first I came to know were Double Dragon (Technos, 1987) and
Golden Axe (Sega, 1988). Both contained practically all the cliches of the genre and were great games, especially the second, both for the fantastic atmosphere as the possibility of riding on dragons, but for my taste, both are now already a little outdated. Since then and since the late 80's to mid 90's, mainly two companies split the cord in this genre: Konami and Capcom, which are to be discussed in this input.

Double Dragon / Golden Axe
If any company deserves the throne of absolute queen of the arcades during its golden age is undoubtedly the Japanese American Capcom, a company can convert entire continents of kids in the street distribution masters of tow, with gems such as Street Fighter 2
, we will not now, or the first game of the genre at hand: Final Fight (1989).

, we will not now, or the first game of the genre at hand: Final Fight (1989).
Final Fight The action of Final Fight is set in Metro City, where the Mad Gear street gang has kidnapped the daughter of Mayor Haggar, former wrestler (making it now). The girl, in the presentation, went half naked, so I was not too unusual for the kidnap someone, it seems to me. The fact is that Haggar, with swollen balls of pure testosterone, decides to call the girl's boyfriend (Cody) and a latter coleguilla (Guy) and deliver justice as God intended: a communion wafers! The whole idea is crazy ... Gallardón imagine someone giving slaps on the Latin Kings on the streets of Madrid while picking half-eaten chicken waste to heal wounds? Moreover, as I once heard in a podcast ... is crushing to their own voters! A game that does not innovate (Double Dragon was already more or less the same), but increased the gameplay to levels much higher, also offer a way to play differently depending on the character that we chose and was subsequently repeated in all games this style. So gordaco Haggar was able to let go knock slaps a cow, Cody was balanced and Guy was fast and jumping wimp.

Following the great success of this title, Capcom gave free rein to his art, offering real gems of democratic supply of violence as, among others:
- Knights Of the Round
(1991): King Arthur, Lancelot and Perceval against samurais and tigers ... historians, not worth or to take the ass.
Punisher & Nick Fury (1993): With the two characters the Marvel and a very "japonoide" American comics. (1991): King Arthur, Lancelot and Perceval against samurais and tigers ... historians, not worth or to take the ass.
However, talk a little more of my two favorites, which I think the closest to perfection the genre. The first is
Warriors Of Fate (1992), whose action was set in medieval China hit by the war (slightly based on the saga of
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
) and gave us a fighting chance of riding a horse. Also included a generous helping of gore, enabling us to literally burst a slap enemies with guts scattering included. His charismatic characters, violent techniques and large amount of weapons turned it into a magnet for hard nickels. Imam who was also Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (1993), which was set in a world similar to ours but in which the dinosaurs were extinct, and which had the same virtues as above but also with dinosaurs! ! A highlight enemy asshole giving Tyrannosaurus capons to sleep, which then proceeded to gobble a snack ... the recruitment process of the villains in video game is not very strict, no doubt ... 
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Although the absolute queen was, without doubt, Capcom, Konami also gave us some excellent titles. The first knowledge I had was the ultrafamoso
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990). And, molaban Ninja Turtles, and much! As we were not going to let us pay in this machine? (Although I seem to remember who appeared before the outbreak of fashion in Spain). This trend, combined with graphics of real estate for the time, spitting TV series, amazing sound effects and the possibility of playing four simultaneous players (in rich neighborhoods), converted to this recreation in one of the most bareto coveted in your neighborhood. The mechanics were the same as that of Capcom's titles, advancing and sharing chestnuts, but a little simpler if possible, with fewer strokes and variations between characters, perhaps so that the kids we could go back and forth between different turtle smoothly. However, the animations and small nods to the series became a truly enjoyed. Nothing was more comforting at the time that can burst the sides of Rocksteady and Bebop to blows nunchuck, which never happened in the series for that to reduce violence. Later would come the sequel
Turtles In Time (1991), which was more of the same, but better.

luck Konami also prove more animated series like The Simpsons
(1991), which could perform combination attacks with other family members, also very entertaining, X-Men (1992) and Asterix
(1992), the latter with beautiful graphics, animations and scenarios simply superb and fits of genuine laughter nailed to the comic as it is based. Unfortunately, in the latter, the difficulty was truly hellish.

The Simpsons / X-Men / Asterix
I can not conclude without mentioning my favorite, a game that is nowhere near a
I can not conclude without mentioning my favorite, a game that is nowhere near a
beat ' em up (although Wikipedia I list what I do not agree), but as you move forward and kill evil, even dead, I feel like include:
Sunset Riders (1991) The only game I saw cowboys in recreational (not too many in the scene, really) was also a real sorbemonedas by the great difficulty tweaks. And is that programmers have much view because, although the bosses could get tons of lead into the body without blinking, your character will fall to the first impact to ... what a pussy. The idea, the same, forward and kill bad guys, but this time shot and the Wild West. The four playable characters are divided into two categories: those who used revolver and those using shotgun. Unfortunately, the friends of Colt 45 were most infected shit you could take to the face, what used to be fights for choosing Cormano, the Mexican with the gun, which for some reason wearing a poncho and a hat pink ... I believe it was to trust the enemy, but in short, is a bit suspect ... It was a game very, very fast in most of the items on display were lethal, which always, always had to be in motion, without stopping for a second. He also had a number of incredibly nice animations, like when he beat the shit character stepping on a rake or when dodging a stampede of cows running over their backs with drops of sweat and expression of distress included.

Sunset Riders Well we are here, take up much space annoys me having had so little, but there is no alternative. If anyone is interested in a particular title, you know that requests are accepted. I do not think it takes say that all these games and more can be enjoyed for free in MAME and other emulators (roms guess you can find on sites such as rom-world and others is not very complicated.) About the legality of this, I think that trying to charge for games so stale, written off years ago is a real scam, so in this case I invite you to the bajéis overdo it quietly and a couple of fun evenings pounding cloned henchmen and collecting food from trash. I finally took him practicing this for years, so I took advantage.
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