Lately it seems we're on plan cheesy movie fans around here, which may be because, for the first time in a while, there are some noteworthy films at the box office. I would say that this is the case of the film in question, but since I do not want to go to hell for lying, then better keep quiet. I do not want to go to hell, mainly because, thanks to this film is full of zombies and owned pretty bad acting, so I would be very unpleasant spend eternity there listening to their discursillos. Even the devil himself is also an actor rather unfortunate, it seems, and that has had all eternity to practice! Talk, because [Rec] 2 ( Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza , 2009), with some spoilercillo included notice.
In my personal opinion, the majority of English films usually fall into one of these two genres: social drama (85% of movies) and stupid comedy with appearances famosetes star (10% of films). It is a generalization, but true. "Breasts", although I would like, is not a genre in itself but something that is assumed in each and every one of them. Breasts have to leave or yes, but if you aspire to Goya, fall short, so it is also necessary to remove a transsexual junkie or prostitute, but not a real one, like we see on the street (which is sometimes laugh and all), but one that suffers galore for an hour and a half with internal trauma of balls, and many regrets that the need to bring to forklift. And, despite what you sell the "Academy" (notice the quotes), I think English cinema a shit mostly, with obvious exceptions that I will not name now.
But occasionally, in this quagmire there is any movie that is a little breath of fresh air, as the first [Rec] . Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza gave us a surprising film, dynamic, effective horror scenes, some good action and certainly original. Make no mistake, nor its form or subject were as original as we sell (not too sobados, however), but it was placed in a context that is familiar to us, a community of English residents of a lifetime. All these assertions are debatable, of course, but I was a very good horror film. In addition, considerable success was critical and, counting even plag ... digoooo remake American (although recently have American remake to the Popeye shorts Film Exin).
But occasionally, in this quagmire there is any movie that is a little breath of fresh air, as the first [Rec] . Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza gave us a surprising film, dynamic, effective horror scenes, some good action and certainly original. Make no mistake, nor its form or subject were as original as we sell (not too sobados, however), but it was placed in a context that is familiar to us, a community of English residents of a lifetime. All these assertions are debatable, of course, but I was a very good horror film. In addition, considerable success was critical and, counting even plag ... digoooo remake American (although recently have American remake to the Popeye shorts Film Exin).
Once placed in position ... "What gives us [Rec] 2 ? As more of the same ... but much worse ... and not worse in the sense of "anguish and unbearable terror, but in the sense "Boring and ridiculous situations." Rec 2 is a direct continuation (and so direct is the same on the same site) of the earlier film, in this case following the misadventures of a SWAT team (or geos or that I know what they are), as mission is to get into the famous block of flats in the first film, accompanying a scientist sent by the Ministry. The story will split later, following the misfortunes of another group leading, eventually to merge into one story line. Of course EVERYTHING is engraved with a subjective camera in the style of the first delivery, but in an infinitely more scabby and poorly justified. And it was understandable that a team of reporters would leave evidence of the facts, but to do a group of government sent alleged "secret mission", is quite incoherent and absurd.
The argument, therefore, offers little variation, but not the monsters, the film alleged sauce! If the first delivery were basically zombies with a religious origin (suggested at the end of the movie), here are genuine and copies of Regan, the girl in the exorcist. Now it all, stop crucifixes, rosaries and Our Fathers, which I think is a real crap like a cathedral, and because of that, what intrigued before, now it is ridiculous and causes a feeling nauseous and movie copy already seen a thousand times. In this film, with a rosary around his neck not attack you or God, which mysteriously never occur to the players ... In addition, talk held at the elbows, which were also the first film (with a rather unfortunate infernal voice, reminiscent of your great uncle Mauricio after taking two Carajillo in the bar) and attack the camera constantly moving, what tires to infinity from the third time you see him, plus stun a great time (yes, the latter in the first well spent, but not as exaggerated as in this).
A possessed ("possessed? After that) in one of the few milliseconds in which the camera is still
The argument, therefore, offers little variation, but not the monsters, the film alleged sauce! If the first delivery were basically zombies with a religious origin (suggested at the end of the movie), here are genuine and copies of Regan, the girl in the exorcist. Now it all, stop crucifixes, rosaries and Our Fathers, which I think is a real crap like a cathedral, and because of that, what intrigued before, now it is ridiculous and causes a feeling nauseous and movie copy already seen a thousand times. In this film, with a rosary around his neck not attack you or God, which mysteriously never occur to the players ... In addition, talk held at the elbows, which were also the first film (with a rather unfortunate infernal voice, reminiscent of your great uncle Mauricio after taking two Carajillo in the bar) and attack the camera constantly moving, what tires to infinity from the third time you see him, plus stun a great time (yes, the latter in the first well spent, but not as exaggerated as in this).
The performances are mostly loose and not very credible, worse than the first delivery. A special mention for the two children (the girl is a little better), which are to send the direct death row for crimes against humanity. It does not matter, because the feeling of "realism" I had the first movie is lacking in this sequel. You really do not believe you for a moment what is happening. Manuela Velasco (the name goes on the poster, so it's not very secret) not bad, I like this girl, but her appearance in this sequel is stuck with a shoehorn and clearly only due to the directors wanted repeat with her and could put the character as the character Prize absurdity of the year and has won, gentlemen! Still, I'd like to see in any other movie in the future. Contratadla or something .. someone, not ... give her work ... I would go see your movies ...
In conclusion, Rec 2 film is very loose, even minimally entertaining. At least not consider it a disappointment, since they do not expect much from this sequel, and is just what I've achieved. What amazes me are the good reviews to this film I'm reading there, justified only by the usual rally to English products, but let's face it, if this movie was not American would defend absolutely no critic and tildarían of " commercial waste. " Peeeeero as we are patriots the dime, because they deceive us, as always. Still, it's a film that you can spend the afternoon, but by 7 eurazos I can not recommend it because the feeling of terror is absolute zero. We are going to put a 5.5 out of 10, but will upload a puntazo by Manuela Velasco, I think a pretty girl (I'm gonna do a fan, also imagine that there will be many). Without it, is a miserable 4.5 ... Well, what the fuck, separate notes, 4.5 for the film and 10 for Velasco, total free leave me notes and the blog is mine and I fuck when I want.
Before finishing, a distress call. If anyone sees it, PLEASE explain to me what the bath and doors that appear and disappear with the light ... Does it make sense that escapes me? Is it a resource as an asshole and absurd as it seems to me or I have not understood something of the film? And zombies ... Where they hide during most of the movie? Are they playing the muscle in one of the floors? That if they are paranormal mysteries.
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