I have the memory of my childhood have been a bit difficult to eat, remember that he hated soup (hence Mafalda is my hero) and cried when my mom forced me to take it, hated vegetables, with carnecitas fat, or strange-looking dishes that were either in color or format same odors. So I was a hated to eat. The worst was when a beautiful day my older sisters came up with some weird things to eat and I was dying because the appearance was terrible!
Well, obviously I did not eat, and ran away when I heard calling me to eat that ugly dish do not know what ugly things. Do not remember the day I decided to try them, just know I was scared to death because I knew they were made of cow heart. But great was my surprise when just savor those bits of some kind of meat, different in texture but delicious on the palate, almost died but what they were delicious!

That was my debut eating kebabs and thus met a different but pleasant taste. From there I went to attend the "trucks" kebabs near my house. The trucks would be something like small carrinho similar madeira são years who used tapioca vendem Camel hair, bom mais ou less. remember much Margarita and her husband Antonio, she prepared them so delicious that it quickly ended, he served and the public responded with such kindness that made you want to return daily. Well, you are the skewers? They are pieces of heart cut into squares and crossed on a stick, the sticks would be used here for steak. The heart pieces are seasoned with a blend of Peruvian peppers, vinegar, salt, pepper, etc and brought into the grid (Grelha).
By serving are accompanied with boiled potatoes, corn and peppers. Some people also prefer to place some salad. The Margarita pepper and corn was unmatched, to say the corn, she was concerned to give us the best, big teeth and tasty! Thus, the kebabs became my vice.
I recommend it very much, I already prepared them here and I came very close. But beware, this business of disgust because they are having cow's heart let him aside because they would not know what they're missing. Mmmmmmmm already made me salivate!
I recommend it very much, I already prepared them here and I came very close. But beware, this business of disgust because they are having cow's heart let him aside because they would not know what they're missing. Mmmmmmmm already made me salivate!
8 servings
1 kilo of heart cow
2 crushed garlic
2 cups red wine vinegar
1 / 4 cup red pepper
mirasol pepper 1 tablespoon dry
1 tablespoon paprika 1 teaspoon
salt, pepper and cumin
2 crushed garlic
2 cups red wine vinegar
1 / 4 cup red pepper
mirasol pepper 1 tablespoon dry
1 tablespoon paprika 1 teaspoon
salt, pepper and cumin
heart is log with a good sharp knife, making sure that each piece of meat is too thick and not be very large (we recommend cutting all the fat before carving). In a bowl prepare a dressing with crushed garlic, pepper and cumin to taste. Then add the pieces of heart and stir (do not use salt yet, to avoid cuts to wilt). Let rest for an hour and then add whole annatto, paprika, ground red pepper sauce, bowls of vinegar, tbsp olive oil and then we will do the preparation to rest for a minimum of two hours. At this point add salt and proceed to stick stringing the pieces by putting them in the same pot of dressing. Separately in a pot girl put part of the dressing with oil. Then we make a brush with corn stover frayed (the get wet in the prepared infusion) and beat her every time the kebabs are turned over during frying. The fire must be strong for the taste of kebabs acquire coal. Served with potatoes, boiled corn marigold and red pepper.
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