A little out of the profile of my blog (which is to spread the Peruvian cuisine) and tell them were the Peruvian Party of Mr. de los Milagros and the Creole Song in Rio de Janeiro.
On Saturday, 30 after heavy rain and stay completely wet in the procession, went directly to change as three of the team members would do the offerings Sayari mass. We put the costumes huayno of Cuzco and when we were called present offerings in the middle of the mass. For me personally it is an honor because I feel God is calling me and dropping me an important task in addition to all is the sense of pride in representing my country out. Well, just to summarize a bit, then started the party in church halls and through the night and we went up to dance The Valicha. This dance, in my opinion, is extremely tasty and it brings back many memories of my childhood, conjures up images of my house when my family was the family party and I saw everyone dancing the huaynos. But it is a dance that makes me extremely tired and breathless, it seems that my heart will explode, however, is why I like it, hahaha! As a second dance numbers that move the celebration to the tail of Victoria Santa Cruz, a pelican alegrísimo, we danced with the sweat of our brow and Thursday to Thursday where we try to perfect. To close the show with a flourish and showed my friends the Huaylash Peruvian House is making them known, for his exemplary style of dancing and contagious enthusiasm.
Well that night I got home around 2am, and a few hours later, on 31, had the Creole Song Day, organized by the Peruvian Beneficial in Action (ABPA), which would also dance well helping hand in the box. Despite how tired I was very excited about the activity for the day of the folk song is a special day for the Peruvians, especially for the coastal people who love this music. In addition to the show Sayari, we had the honor to welcome my friend Laura Valle, whom I baptized (and I want to stay with that name!) As "the Peruvian voice of the gods", as is the ecstatic to hear it all the senses, clear voice, great repertoire and such charisma unparalleled Laura make a de las artistas peruanas más grandes de su generación, no en vano lo lleva en la sangre, siendo nieta de ese gran artista peruano Alex Valle, que se puede esperar. Laurita cantó acompañada de Sergio Valdeos en la guitarra y de mi querido amigo Edison Mego en el cajón, quien nos alegró al volver al medio artístico después de un tiempo ausente.
Quiero mencionar que la ABPA es una institución sin fines de lucro, cuyo objetivo principal es auxiliar a compatriotas en estados y/o situaciones de emergencia y que está abierta a cualquier persona que quiera formar parte de ella.
Por aquí quiero agradecer a TACA, líneas aéreas; IDT Tarjeta La Peruanita, a mi amigo Mauricio Peltier por la futura página of Sayari (no more Mauricio takes me!), and our favorite photographer, Eduardo Bruno Alves good for the wonderful photos that always takes us, Bruno can communicate with through your email brunoeduardoalves@gmail.com
Thanks to all our Brazilian brothers and fellow Peruvians for their assistance in both activities would be nothing without you!

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