Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Connect Ps3 Wire To Tv


Eutrophication Baltic Sea, blooms of phytoplankton in the water
Illustration of a wind driven pump. - AB INOCAR

Is it possible to restore life to a space that has been lost? Scientists in Sweden say that in the case of the seabed is possible if oxygen is applied. This process is the determining factor for ecosystems to recover the life and nature helps itself to remedy the problem of eutrophication phytoplankton blooms in the water.

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg Pilot studies in two Swedish fjords and after pumping oxygen-rich surface water into the sea, they obtained the desired results. The team now has to try a wind pump large offshore in the Baltic.

"Today, everyone is focused on reducing the amount of nutrients to the sea to reduce eutrophication in the Baltic, but if nature helps treat itself phosphorus reaching the sea can create a "turbo effect" in the battle against eutrophication "said Anders Stigebrandt, Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.

oxygenation barren seabed is not a new idea. The idea of \u200b\u200boxygenation of such seabed is inspired by nature. The oxygenation of the deep waters of the Baltic Sea has been compared with the creation of wetlands on the ground. For these two methods work is necessary to create appropriate conditions that contribute to ecosystems that they need. This is possible through the establishment of new ecosystems can fix nutrients.

"If the deep ocean devoid of oxygen in the Baltic is oxygenated, it is expected that each square kilometer of fund will have three tons of phosphorus in a short time, a purely geochemical "said Professor Stigebrandt. "If the funds are kept oxygenated for extended periods wildlife and stabilizes them. This means that oxygenate sediments to a depth of several inches and the new ecosystem is likely to contribute to be set more phosphorus in the sediments. "

BOX project ('oxygenation of the deep waters of the Baltic") is testing the hypothesis that holds that a protracted oxygenation of the Baltic deep water promotes a broad and intense fixation of phosphorus in bottom sediments. What researchers want to find out is how the zones are set deep oxygenated phosphorus in the longer term. For this pilot study presented Kanholmsfjärden, on the east coast, and Byfjorden, on the west coast, and conducted experiments in the laboratory. BOX also studies the colonization of funds and its effect on oxygen absorption of phosphorus.

In the case of sea trials, the team installed a pump capable of moving 30 cubic meters of water per second tube contained in a buoy anchored in 60 meters height above sea \u200b\u200blevel and 100 meters to the bottom. With this configuration the pump is not affected by the waves.

"The pump has the capacity to pump 30 cubic meters of water per second, 15 times pump experiment in Byfjord "said Professor Stigebrandt. "If we work, the use of a pump five times on a buoy about 120 meters depth not present notable problems. We believe this is the size of the pumps will be needed in a future large-scale oxygenation of the deep waters of the Baltic. "

could be of great help to the Baltic Sea, as polluted, providing it with marine protected areas and marine reserves.

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A good and nice work on the Baltic Sea

Monday, May 23, 2011

Barefoot Contenssa Peanut Butter Brownies

BELUGAS Sentinel

Photo taken by Ansgar Walk-Wikipedia

Dolphins beluga whales, two marine species at the top of the food chain, accumulate chemical contaminants when they live and feed in waters near urban areas. Among the substances are known compounds that affect neurodevelopment, immune and endocrine systems of living beings.

U.S. scientists Hollings Marine Laboratory, in collaboration with the University of Charleston SC have published the results of their investigacionesen the journal Environmental Science & Technology.
A research team analyzed the levels persistent organic pollutants (POPs) present in male dolphins along the eastern U.S., the Gulf of Mexico and Bermuda, while another group examined levels of perfluorinated compounds (PFC) in beluga whales in two places Alaska.
The data collected in both studies are expected to serve as measures of reference for future research to define the health effects and impact of these pollutants in the two species.

persistent organic pollutants affect neurological development and immune systems. Persistent organic pollutants are a large group of artificial chemicals, as its name implies, persist in the environment. They can spread worldwide through the air and water, accumulate in the food chain and may have carcinogenic effects on neurological development, immune or endocrine both in animals and humans.
To study the concentrations of POPs in male bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates), researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and others Hollings Marine Laboratory associated with banded together to collect and test samples of fat biopsies between 2000 and 2007 in eight areas along the U.S. east coast, five sites in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and around Bermuda . The researchers analyzed the fat of the dolphins looking COP, which in the past has been used as insecticides (like DDT), fluids insulation (polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs), flame retardants (polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs) and a fungicide (hexachlorobenzene or HCB).

In general, PCBs were the contaminants found in higher concentrations in the 14 sampling points, followed by DDT and other pesticides, PBDEs and HCB. Levels of persistent organic pollutants are significantly higher in dolphins that live and feed in waters near urban and industrialized areas. Reported PCB levels in dolphins that live in the waters near Brunswick, Georgia, were the exception.
The area contaminated by a former
factory, presented the highest PCB levels observed in a group of living mammals.

In the second study, a team from NIST analyzed levels of 12 types of PFC found in the liver of 68 beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) who had lived and were fed two areas of Alaska: Cook Inlet in the south, the most urbanized state and in the Chukchi Sea to the north. The samples were collected between 1989 and 2006 by natives of Alaska during subsistence hunting and stored in the National Bank of tissues of marine mammals. This is the first study to examine the concentration of PFCs in belugas of Alaska.

PFCs have been used for curtains and carpets. PFCs are used as coatings, release agents and additives in a wide variety of products including kitchen utensils, curtains, carpets, food packaging, fire-fighting foams and cosmetics. Are very stable, persist for long in the environment and are known to be toxic to the liver, reproductive organs and immune system of mammals laboratory.

PFC was detected in all livers of belugas, with two compounds, perfluorooctane sulfonate perfluorooctanoy sulfonamide present in more than half of the samples. In all but one case, PFC concentrations measured were significantly higher in belugas in Cook Inlet, an expected result given the nearby urban and industrialized. They also found that concentrations of PFCs in belugas has grown significantly over the seven years of the study and were generally higher in males.
PFCs are presented in all samples analyzed, the scientists reported in February in Environmental Science & Technology. This suggests that these chemicals travel through the atmosphere and oceans to almost all corners of the Earth.
"I think it's important to realize that anthropogenic pollutants released at lower latitudes, as in the United States, China and Russia, sliding into the Arctic," said lead researcher Jessica Reiner, a research chemist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

"What human beings do not only affects the place where they are directly", he added. "It has implications around the world ..."

Source: J. Kucklick, L. Schwacke, R. Wells, A. Hohn, A. Guichard, J. Yordy, L. Hansen, E. Zolmo, R. Wilson, J. Litz, D. Nowacek, T. Rowles, R. Pugh, B. Balmer, C. Sinclair and P. Rosel. Bottlenose dolphins as Indicators of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the western north Atlantic ocean and northern gulf of Mexico. Environmental Science & Technology . Published online Apr. 28, 2011.

J.L. Reiner, S.G. O’Connell, A.J. Moors, J.R. Kucklick, P.R. Becker and J.M. Keller. Spatial and temporal trends of perfluorinated compounds in beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from Alaska. Environmental Science & Technology . Published online Feb. 10, 2011.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Contraseña Nero-6.6...0.1

POLLUTION IS FEARED A mass stranding of pilot whales IN SOUTH UIST (Scotland)

                     Picture: Getty

divers and marine conservation experts have gathered in the Western Isles of Scotland to try to avert a mass stranding. The whales were spotted off the coast of South Uist at Loch Carnan in shallow waters on Thursday afternoon.
are prepared to try to rescue the whales healthy if they reach the shore, but about 20 have head injuries. It is believed that the injuries may have been caused by attempts to run aground on the rocky beach of the cove. Rescuers have inflatable pontoons to push the whales back to sea.
Group ha estado moviendose de un lado a otro de la orilla y los rescatadores informan que algunas muestran signos de angustia.
Los fuertes lazos sociales de las ballenas podrían llevar a que las ballenas sanas sigan hasta la orilla a aquellas enfermas o heridas.
Miembros de British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) temen que las ballenas puedan morir en un varamiento masivo, algo que lo convertiría en el mayor de Escocia.
Unos meses antes, un grupo de voluntarios ayudaron en la misma playa, a 35 ballenas piloto volver al mar. Pocos días después, 33 ballenas fueron encontradas muertas en una playa en el Condado Donegal, Ireland.


Is Jelly Cervic Mucuc Is Symptoms Of Pregnancy


Image: Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus). Lycaon.cl Wikipedia

whales have returned to the waters of Valencia, between Denia and Xábia in Fons Nature Reserve Marins del Cap de Sant Antoni. Este año, se han producido ya los primeros avistamientos de rorcuales comunes, una especie bastante común en el Mediterráneo.

Son los primeros avistamientos de ballenas del año, en aguas valencianas. El escenario: la Reserva Natural dels Fons Marins del Cap de Sant Antoni. Varias embarcaciones pudieron observar a tres ejemplares de rorcual común (una especie bastante habitual en el Mediterráneo), que nadaban rumbo sur.

También los tripulantes de la embarcación del Servei de Vigilancia Parc Natural de Montgo spotted another group of five whales again between 16 and 20 feet long. By passing the cape, whales changed direction somewhat to the east and were moving into deeper water. The boat continued monitoring the group of whales for over two hours.

These eight fin whales are the first to reveal this year in the waters of Denia and Javea. Usually pass by the Cape of Sant Antoni in migration that takes them to the south where usually cross the Gibraltar Strait.

Montgo Natural Park documents the migration of whales. The sightings are pooled and can often be traced to a whale in the Mediterranean. The Costa de la Marina Alta, especially the easternmost point that marks the end of Sant Antoni, is poised to become an exceptional observatory of cetaceans.
Source: Digital Press

Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) is the second largest whale in the world and also the second highest animal Large earth. To get more detailed information: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaenoptera_physalus

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Controladores Sis 301 Mv


The European Fisheries Commissioner, Mary Damanaki, has called on Monday for the fleet of large fishing vessels that catch tuna in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic to honor its commitments to the 2011 season, which began May 15 and runs until 15 June.
Brussels hopes that the vessels of countries participating in the fleet to take all measures necessary to "complete fulfillment" of obligations, according to a statement.
The period between 15 May and June 15 is the deadline for large fishing boats from seven countries ( Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta and Cyprus) are allowed to fish for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.
The total catch quota for the European Union in 2011 is 5,756 tonnes, of which about half will be carried out by large vessels of the fleet over a month.
The European Commission has launched a program control and inspection that includes the deployment of inspectors, patrol boats and aircraft and is managed por el Ejecutivo comunitario, la Agencia Europea para el Control de la Pesca y los estados miembros.
Bruselas supervisa además las capturas y analiza los datos tomados cada hora a través de un sistema de control por satélite para garantizar el respeto de todas las reglas, en particular de las cuotas individuales para cada embarcación.

Is Any Real Life Incest Happen Or Not


Una rara afección se ha presentado en los últimos años entre los pichones de los pingüinos africano y de Magallanes: van perdiendo el plumón y se quedan peeled. The experts are baffled, because it has occurred mostly in the rehabilitation centers, and because the birds that survive end up having a normal plumage.

The first result of these comments has just been published in the journal Waterbirds, and the authors hope to serve as a warning to investigate what happens in every colony of penguins. Of the 18 existing species, have so far detected in two.

The greatest number of sick birds has been recorded among African penguins, in the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB, its acronym in English) in Cape Town. The frequent spills from tankers that require a high activity center to clean oiled penguins.

This species suffers greater threats than Magellan, because of overfishing, ungrudgingly them food, and climate change. "As the distribution of fish changed, they are abandoning their colonies to go to the East," says Pablo García Borboroglu, a researcher at CONICET Cenpatico and co-author of the study. Following de eso, cuando falta comida, muchas veces los adultos tienen que abandonar a las crías . Estos centros los recogen hasta que puedan alimentarse solos”.

Allí fue donde, en 2006, comenzaron a ver que iban perdiendo mechones de plumón, hasta quedar desnudos.

Se trata del plumón suave con el que salen del huevo, que los mantiene aislados térmicamente pero no es apto para estar en el agua; a los 90 o 100 días, es reemplazado por un plumaje impermeable.

That year, the strange disease affecting 7% of the birds collected, in 2007, to 18% and in 2008, to 11% (in the colonies, the number was much lower). Fed and kept warm in the rehabilitation center, his mortality was similar to or lower than the rest of the offspring.

When healthy chicks moved out of feathers, the bare also grew them "dress" raincoat. However, were smaller than others, and needed more time in the recovery center to be able to be released.

En Argentina se detectaron crías de pingüino de Magallanes sin plumas, en un número mucho menor, en las colonias de Punta Tombo, San Lorenzo, Caleta Valdés y Cabo Dos Bahías. “En estado silvestre no tienen aislación térmica, y gastan más energía en termorregular, que en crecer.

Y a la edad en que tienen que migrar, son mucho más chicos que los otros –observa García Borboroglu–. En un pichón no muy gordo, es una mortalidad adicional”.

Scientists did not have the resources to investigate. "No injuries of any kind, or inflammation of the follicles of feathers," he adds.

So far there are only hypotheses.
Everything indicates that it might be a virus. " According to the biologist, in this case, being malnourished make them more susceptible to illness.

"What we report para llamar la atención de otros especialistas –señala García Borboroglu–. Nos preguntamos qué estará pasando en colonias que ni siquiera se visitan, como las subantárticas, y otras que quizás no se conocen. Primero se necesita saber la causa, y si está dispersándose a otras colonias y a otras especies de pingüinos”.

Un argentino reconocido en todo el mundo
El doctor Pablo García Borboroglu preside Global Penguin Society (www.globalpenguinsociety.org), una coalición internacional dedicada a la protección de todas las especies penguin in the world, promoting integrated conservation of the oceans through science, management and education.

created GPS Argentine biologist with the $ 150,000 prize Pew Fellows in Marine Conservation, which was awarded in 2009. "Penguins are more than charismatic icons of the Antarctic landscapes: they serve as early warning alarms to ocean environments, then said Joshua S. Reichert, managing director of Pew Environment Group. Working to reduce threats to penguin populations en los océanos australes, el doctor Borboroglu también contribuirá a restaurar el balance en los ecosistemas marinos a través del hemisferio sur.
FUENTE: diario Clarín

Friday, May 13, 2011

Rent Of Prom Gowns In Manila


Crédito: NOAA/Proyecto NASA GOES.
Una coalición global lanza un innovador proyecto en el mar para proteger las reservas de atún y la vida marina
Representantes de la industria pesquera,científicos, investigadores y pescadores de atún han embarcado hace unos días en Manta, Ecuador para spend the next two months at sea and launch the next phase of global coordination to promote effective and practical techniques to reduce the environmental impact of tuna fishing.
The purse seine vessels, which use large fishing nets, provide the world with millions of tons of tuna per year. When crews used floating objects to catch the fish, known as FADs, make this method more efficient with respect to time and fuel. But there is a major setback - in his capture marine life also takes no interest. 5% of the average of the capture of a ship is consisting of non-tuna fish and sharks.
The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has urged the remarkable reduction of potentially harmful waste to the environment, investing more than a year in the provision of detailed planning of a worldwide project that includes research, training for fishermen and development of new techniques and uses for existing technology. "The problem has been identified and spectrum," said Susan Jackson, director general of the ISSF. "Now is the time to enter the water and carry out a major improvement in the industry that will help us to remain viable without that jeopardize global tuna resources and the complex marine ecosystem of the ocean ".
This first trip - a scientific collaboration between the ISSF and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) - spend two months in the eastern Pacific Ocean aboard the Yolanda L, a seine boat owned Infripesca Fish Fridges, commanded by Captain Ricardo Diaz. There will be a working boat Yolan apart from L to run multiple experiments on tuna aggregations associated with FADs, will be equipped with a remote operated vehicle (ROV), a next-generation acoustic probe and acoustic tracking systems. These technologies are used by scientists to explore and identify potentially new fishing practices that allow purse seine vessels to continue fishing for tuna healthy stocks while minimizing the impact on vulnerable species.
"Actually the entire fishing industry has a certain level compensation and environmental impact. Some have called for abandoning these fisheries, a move that industry has warned that it could reduce the supply of tuna half, bringing thousands of lost jobs and greater financial contraction in the economies in development, "said Jackson." Rather than leave and abandon, we should help the industry willing to improve its practices. The eastern Pacific Ocean is an important place to start because of the impact on fisheries aims to network FAD purse in a kind of tuna called bigeye. The reserve in the region has struggled to recover from overfishing suffered in recent years.
senior scientist of the IATTC, Kurt Schaefer, will lead the equipment aboard the Yolanda L in tests with the promise of reducing the amount of fishing with big eyes on the networks. The researchers are also looking for ways to prevent the involvement of turtles and sharks in FADs to try different designs made from biodegradable materials. "This trip will help our team of scientists and collaborators to improve the training workshops that are already doing with fishing crews from around the world," said Dr. Victor Restrepo, president of ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee. "As scientists identify new solutions, will incorporate the findings in workshops so that employers and masters of vessels to provide real-time feedback. If something is not real or fishermen have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to improve it, we will be able to bring that idea to water. " Already been made workshops in fishing ports in America, Africa, Europe and the region of the Pacific Islands. In the coming months is scheduled to be held more workshops. While the first draft of a ship shall work in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the oceans western and central Pacific and Atlantic side trips take place next year.

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) is a global coalition of scientists, the tuna industry and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the main organization conservation of the world, which promotes science-based initiatives for long-term conservation and sustainable use of tuna stocks, reducing the catch and promote a healthy ecosystem.

The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) is responsible for the conservation and management of tunas and tuna-like and other species listed by the fishing of tuna and similar tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The aim of the committee is to ensure the long-term conservation and sustainable use of tuna stocks covered by their convention, according to relevant rules of international law. Was created in 1949 by an agreement between Costa Rica and the United States, as amended in 2003 by the Antigua Convention, and currently has 20 members and two non-cooperating parties.
Source: PRNewswire

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Private Jet Milena Velba Pic

Litany litany

alifante. ZooL elephant m ( açucécio.

m BOT jujube ( desaunciao,-á.

adj beyond repair, no solution, terminal. He was sent home pa house because he and desaunciao estava . ╟ desahuziau . escarbaero.

m ac. to dig, dig, remove. Escarbaero of concéncia . ╟ escarbaeru .

escuchón,-one. adj (someone said) who listens more than he should, indiscreet, curious. ╟ escuchón . estauta. f statue, sculpture. ╟ estauta .

guide. Tr drive. ╟ guial .

ant. ENT f ant. ant.

nusotros. Pron us. ╟ mosotrus . onque.

part though. ╟ anque . pigeons. Fpl


pigeons. recortaura. f

cut. We swept

recortauras . ╟ recortaura. Retusalén.

m Anthroponym Methuselah. volume. m thick layer of something. Le Pusser by top a volume of earth. Tomu . zancajilla. F

trip. ╟ zancajilla .

Friday, May 6, 2011

How May Springs On A Briggs And Stratton Mower


Image Oceanic Posidonia Alberto Romeo, Wikimedia ;

Biodiversity Foundation, launches biodiversity platform, a virtual space whose goal is to channel public participation by providing citizens with official information generated by the English Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity with the aim of promoting education and environmental awareness.

All official and private information on natural heritage and biodiversity of Spain will be available today on biodiversity platform, a dynamic living space that focuses on social networks to approximate and share this wealth.
Starting today, citizens can browse news, a library of electronic resources related to the Natural Heritage Inventory English, multimedia space images, videos and sounds, and a section where Wiki users can develop content to create a database on this topic.
The platform also have turned the historical data from government on the natural and the most current data possible.
The platform offers the possibility of registering under two types of profiles: the user and group facilitator, the latter will be in charge of checking the information that citizens overturned on the web.
The platform offers citizens the opportunity to consult and provide information on biodiversity mediante los siguientes instrumentos:
- Una sección de noticias destacadas.
- Una biblioteca de recursos electrónicos sobre aspectos vinculados al Inventario.
- Un espacio multimedia de imágenes, videos y sonidos asociados a los elementos del Inventario y que se enriquecerá con las aportaciones de los usuarios registrados.
- Un espacio Wiki donde elaborar contenidos y crear una ase de datos colaborativa.
- La creación y participación de grupos de trabajo con espacios sobre diferentes subjects and in which debate and share information dynamically and easily.
- Conversations through discussion forums.
"And a bulletin board with job and volunteer work, meetings, seminars, etc.
funcionalides One of the most important platform is the portal Biomap, a map viewer, based on Google Maps technology, which offers citizens the official maps of the National Inventory Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
inventory information is organized into different layers of information that will be amplified by the successive contributions of both the Marmara and the Autonomous Communities and registered users.
Biomap contains the following layers:
- Summary statistics of forest fires.
- English Inventory of marine species.
- English Inventory of marine habitats.
- English Inventory of terrestrial habitats.
- Heritage Forest, National Forest Inventory.
- English Inventory of soil erosion.
- Inventory of Protected Areas, Natura 2000 and protected areas in international instruments.
- Community Attractions
- Special Protection Areas for birds (SPAs)
- Inventory of landscapes.
This initiative aims to encourage public participation to register and participate in biodiversity Platform: www.biodiversia.es
Link to portal "Biomap" http://biomap.es/

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jaw Ear Pain When I Drink


Humpback whales are able to navigate thousands of miles for weeks straight and are so precise navigation as a GPS, according to a study by scientists from New Zealand.

The head of this investigation, Travis Horton, University of Canterbury, told Efe that whales are "surprisingly accurate" when browsing and do not deviate from its course more than one degree azimuth.

The ability to navigate in a straight line is shared by other marine animals like sharks and penguins, but according to Horton, what difference is that humpback whales are able to stay the course at great distances.

study migration routes

Horton and his team continue from 2003 through satellite technology to 16 humpback whales ('Megaptera novaeangliae') between the Brazilian coast , Cook Islands and New Caledonia in the South Pacific to Antarctic waters.

migration routes of more than 6,000 kilometers are made up of a series of straight lines between the various points of departure to the Antarctic waters.

NZ Scientists believe that whales would be using a combination of magnetic fields of Earth and the position of the Sun or other celestial bodies to navigate, as do other animals.

The study, which is in the process of documenting the migration routes of whales, even not able to determine how whales avoid diverting the course and maintain accurate navigation Although ocean currents and other weather changes.

NZ experts have observed in these eight years of research that the routes that whales are "multiple" and that whales follow different routes.

These are "multiple solutions for a common goal," said Horton, who said it is unclear whether knowledge of these migration routes are transmitted from generation to generation and whether the patterns respond to changes in magnetic fields, hormonal patterns or other factors.

Source: Digital Press

Monday, April 25, 2011

Heart Gold Soul Silver Patch Rom Anti Freeze

11/05/1910 25/04/1911 04/20/1911

Alagoas. Tr

flooding, flatter. ╟ alagal . alcoiri.


rainbow. ╟ alcuiri . Anzin.

f BOT oak ( fagáceo tree). Anzin . apaniaguao,-á.

adj (someone said)

sated, jaded, sated. 2 phlegmatic, slow, deep. ╟ apaniaguau . arrebbañá. Tr

steal, plunder. 2 scrape. ╟ arrebbañal . shoved. Tr collapse, break down physically or morally.

╟ arrumbal

. assemilá. Tr

assimilate, compare. 2 understand. ╟ assemilal .

layer. Tr AGR remove the top of the sole of snuff. ╟ CAPAL .

carambola. f cheating, deception. f excrement. Catalina .

cava. Tr AGR dig a garden. Caval .

cava. m AGR person working a garden digging. ╟ cavaol .


adj (someone said) high. Maroon . comitanda.

f binge. ╟ comitanda . Corcom.

f rotten. ╟ Corcom. gives.


think, creer. Avia dao who was en CACR. ╟ dal. derribbá.

tr malgastar, despilfarrar. ╟ derribbal . derribbaó,-ora. Derroche adj. ╟


. desajeno,-a. adj alien, strange. You

desajeno in this house. ╟ desajenu. inattentive,-a.

adj (someone said)

distracted. 2 disengaged. Haze is the inattentive. ╟ desatentu .

enchicá. Tr

diminish, shrink. Enchicá jacket. ╟ enchical .

enlarged,. Tr enlarge, make larger. ╟ engrandal .

entrelargo,-a. Adj medium long, either long or short. ╟ entrelargu .

escesso. ~ m loc of to : with excess. The door is escessu paint. ╟ escessu .

Foga. m home fire. ╟ FOGAL .

Fogarino. f hogariña

. Fogarino . chilly,-a.

adj (someone said)

chilly. 2 (someone said) devoid of spirited, cold. Mu chilly is not the mujeris s'arrima. 3 (someone said) cold, rough, dry. ╟ friolentu .

Giralda. f BOT dyer ( What comes ena m'a hogariña mouth! ╟ hogariña .

Hope. m beating tute. macha.

f mortar hub. macha. crushing.

hard m ( similar to the Jewish. 2 fruit of this plant. wheel. Nacencia.


birth. pallasu . be forgiven . med (the plant)


╟ perdel . colt. m big boy and gross person. ╟ potrancu .

garment. f love, love ( ╟ semilal . even. part at least, at least. Siqueira is working, which is not straw. ╟ even


sopleá. Intr blow. 2 aspire. L' soplea vacuum is not as endespues


╟ sopreal . tuning. f boredom.


trabbajola. f trabajera. ╟ trabbajola


shorn. Tr shear. ╟ tresquilal . tresquilón.

m trasquilón. ╟ tresquilón . brave. pond adj brave, often piece. Valiente sinvergüença! ╟

valienti . see. Interj is not it, is not it? The tower fell over here, see? ╟ will


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Creative Usb Hub Sb0480 Windows 7


abballá. Intr

leave a site. 2 go from one place to another. ╟ aballal . softens. Tr

soften. ╟ abrandecel . adredón.

m quilt. ╟ adredón . aporrazao,-á. Adj

mistreated breado. Estoi aporrazá of BRAC arvos OM. ╟ aporrazau. Bartol.

m Anthroponym

Bartholomew. Bartol . coarse-to. adj (said of a liquid) thick little thin. Lechi enough.

╟ bastu

. beto. BOT fir m ( body. ╟ cadavi .

sly,-one. adj lazy, lazy. sly.

carriage. m pram. ╟ carricochi .

corridors. m corridor, aisle. ╟ correol .

croutons. m scale, scab. croutons .

Caguan. m corridor to the rooms. Caguan.

çocotrón,-one. adj (someone said) that wobbles, which gets pushed. ╟ çocotrón .

çúrpia. m dirty and ill-matched person. ╟ çúrpia . defeat. Tr

destroy, damage. Have the car derrotao . 2 break. The vase S'a derrotao . 3 collapse. defeated the old farmhouse. 4

ruin. 5 defeat, wasted. Defeat . derrotaó, ora.

adj wasteful spendthrift. ╟ derrotaol . desesfresnao,-á. Adj

unchecked, unbridled. ╟ desesfresnau . destinguí. Intr

extinguish. ╟ destinguil . escupuliçá. Tr

reject, repudiate, to repair something. Eda With the escupuliçan Tolos essa ombres. ╟ escupuliçal . bottleneck.

f narrowness.

narrowness. bottle. m boat. The detergent bottle. ╟ frascu


fression. f flexion. ╟ fression


Gayetano. m Anthroponym Cayetano. ╟ Caitanu


gordo,-a. adj (said of a liquid) thick rough. milk fat. Água fat.

fat broth.

╟ gordu . HAVA. f

Habal. by ~

, causing mess, spoiled. It was short fror i was a dirty community in hava. ╟ haval . hoyanco.

m big hole. ╟ hoyancu . Jara. f


inn. mensonero. m landlord. ╟ mesoneru .

Merchán. m merchant, merchant. Merchán.

mucus-a. young adj. He was killed a young child . ╟ moçu .

moçuelo. m boy. ╟ moçuelu .

removed. Tr ban. Aluego removed not drink d'there . remove it.

Ramon. m large branch of certain plants. In many avian Guadiana ramones i ATARFE . Ramon

2 olives. Ramon

. rebbocá. Intr

come to the mouth, nauseous. Me havas

rebbuecan the . ╟ rebbocal . regaura.

f ac. watering, irrigation. ╟ regaura . remingao,-á.

adj (said of a garment) than a lower side than the other. 2 (said of an eye) having a drooping eyelid. 3 winked. He remingao eye. Remingau ╟, á .

drought. m dry smell. The garbanços Güel to drought, you are going to grip . ╟ sequiu . Tabua. BOT m steeple, bulrush ( Pron

you. Come here ustés . Nah, you . vito.

m fr-it has the ~ : win the favor, taking the applause, to win. It cabeçona that is, always carries fine vito. Vitu .