
Is it possible to restore life to a space that has been lost? Scientists in Sweden say that in the case of the seabed is possible if oxygen is applied. This process is the determining factor for ecosystems to recover the life and nature helps itself to remedy the problem of eutrophication phytoplankton blooms in the water.
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg Pilot studies in two Swedish fjords and after pumping oxygen-rich surface water into the sea, they obtained the desired results. The team now has to try a wind pump large offshore in the Baltic.
"Today, everyone is focused on reducing the amount of nutrients to the sea to reduce eutrophication in the Baltic, but if nature helps treat itself phosphorus reaching the sea can create a "turbo effect" in the battle against eutrophication "said Anders Stigebrandt, Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg.
oxygenation barren seabed is not a new idea. The idea of \u200b\u200boxygenation of such seabed is inspired by nature. The oxygenation of the deep waters of the Baltic Sea has been compared with the creation of wetlands on the ground. For these two methods work is necessary to create appropriate conditions that contribute to ecosystems that they need. This is possible through the establishment of new ecosystems can fix nutrients.
"If the deep ocean devoid of oxygen in the Baltic is oxygenated, it is expected that each square kilometer of fund will have three tons of phosphorus in a short time, a purely geochemical "said Professor Stigebrandt. "If the funds are kept oxygenated for extended periods wildlife and stabilizes them. This means that oxygenate sediments to a depth of several inches and the new ecosystem is likely to contribute to be set more phosphorus in the sediments. "
BOX project ('oxygenation of the deep waters of the Baltic") is testing the hypothesis that holds that a protracted oxygenation of the Baltic deep water promotes a broad and intense fixation of phosphorus in bottom sediments. What researchers want to find out is how the zones are set deep oxygenated phosphorus in the longer term. For this pilot study presented Kanholmsfjärden, on the east coast, and Byfjorden, on the west coast, and conducted experiments in the laboratory. BOX also studies the colonization of funds and its effect on oxygen absorption of phosphorus.
In the case of sea trials, the team installed a pump capable of moving 30 cubic meters of water per second tube contained in a buoy anchored in 60 meters height above sea \u200b\u200blevel and 100 meters to the bottom. With this configuration the pump is not affected by the waves.
"The pump has the capacity to pump 30 cubic meters of water per second, 15 times pump experiment in Byfjord "said Professor Stigebrandt. "If we work, the use of a pump five times on a buoy about 120 meters depth not present notable problems. We believe this is the size of the pumps will be needed in a future large-scale oxygenation of the deep waters of the Baltic. "
University of Gothenburg Project
University of Gothenburg Project
could be of great help to the Baltic Sea, as polluted, providing it with marine protected areas and marine reserves.
A good and nice work on the Baltic Sea
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