Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Private Jet Milena Velba Pic

Litany litany

alifante. ZooL elephant m ( açucécio.

m BOT jujube ( desaunciao,-á.

adj beyond repair, no solution, terminal. He was sent home pa house because he and desaunciao estava . ╟ desahuziau . escarbaero.

m ac. to dig, dig, remove. Escarbaero of concéncia . ╟ escarbaeru .

escuchón,-one. adj (someone said) who listens more than he should, indiscreet, curious. ╟ escuchón . estauta. f statue, sculpture. ╟ estauta .

guide. Tr drive. ╟ guial .

ant. ENT f ant. ant.

nusotros. Pron us. ╟ mosotrus . onque.

part though. ╟ anque . pigeons. Fpl


pigeons. recortaura. f

cut. We swept

recortauras . ╟ recortaura. Retusalén.

m Anthroponym Methuselah. volume. m thick layer of something. Le Pusser by top a volume of earth. Tomu . zancajilla. F

trip. ╟ zancajilla .


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