Image: Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus). Lycaon.cl Wikipedia
whales have returned to the waters of Valencia, between Denia and Xábia in Fons Nature Reserve Marins del Cap de Sant Antoni. Este año, se han producido ya los primeros avistamientos de rorcuales comunes, una especie bastante común en el Mediterráneo.
Son los primeros avistamientos de ballenas del año, en aguas valencianas. El escenario: la Reserva Natural dels Fons Marins del Cap de Sant Antoni. Varias embarcaciones pudieron observar a tres ejemplares de rorcual común (una especie bastante habitual en el Mediterráneo), que nadaban rumbo sur.
También los tripulantes de la embarcación del Servei de Vigilancia Parc Natural de Montgo spotted another group of five whales again between 16 and 20 feet long. By passing the cape, whales changed direction somewhat to the east and were moving into deeper water. The boat continued monitoring the group of whales for over two hours.
These eight fin whales are the first to reveal this year in the waters of Denia and Javea. Usually pass by the Cape of Sant Antoni in migration that takes them to the south where usually cross the Gibraltar Strait.
Montgo Natural Park documents the migration of whales. The sightings are pooled and can often be traced to a whale in the Mediterranean. The Costa de la Marina Alta, especially the easternmost point that marks the end of Sant Antoni, is poised to become an exceptional observatory of cetaceans.
Source: Digital Press
Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) is the second largest whale in the world and also the second highest animal Large earth. To get more detailed information: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaenoptera_physalus
Source: Digital Press
Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) is the second largest whale in the world and also the second highest animal Large earth. To get more detailed information: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balaenoptera_physalus
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