Image Oceanic Posidonia Alberto Romeo, Wikimedia ;
Biodiversity Foundation, launches biodiversity platform, a virtual space whose goal is to channel public participation by providing citizens with official information generated by the English Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity with the aim of promoting education and environmental awareness.
All official and private information on natural heritage and biodiversity of Spain will be available today on biodiversity platform, a dynamic living space that focuses on social networks to approximate and share this wealth.
Starting today, citizens can browse news, a library of electronic resources related to the Natural Heritage Inventory English, multimedia space images, videos and sounds, and a section where Wiki users can develop content to create a database on this topic.
The platform also have turned the historical data from government on the natural and the most current data possible.
The platform offers the possibility of registering under two types of profiles: the user and group facilitator, the latter will be in charge of checking the information that citizens overturned on the web.
The platform offers citizens the opportunity to consult and provide information on biodiversity mediante los siguientes instrumentos:
- Una sección de noticias destacadas.
- Una biblioteca de recursos electrónicos sobre aspectos vinculados al Inventario.
- Un espacio multimedia de imágenes, videos y sonidos asociados a los elementos del Inventario y que se enriquecerá con las aportaciones de los usuarios registrados.
- Un espacio Wiki donde elaborar contenidos y crear una ase de datos colaborativa.
- La creación y participación de grupos de trabajo con espacios sobre diferentes subjects and in which debate and share information dynamically and easily.
- Conversations through discussion forums.
"And a bulletin board with job and volunteer work, meetings, seminars, etc.
funcionalides One of the most important platform is the portal Biomap, a map viewer, based on Google Maps technology, which offers citizens the official maps of the National Inventory Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
inventory information is organized into different layers of information that will be amplified by the successive contributions of both the Marmara and the Autonomous Communities and registered users.
Biomap contains the following layers:
- Summary statistics of forest fires.
- English Inventory of marine species.
- English Inventory of marine habitats.
- English Inventory of terrestrial habitats.
- Heritage Forest, National Forest Inventory.
- English Inventory of soil erosion.
- Inventory of Protected Areas, Natura 2000 and protected areas in international instruments.
- Community Attractions
- Special Protection Areas for birds (SPAs)
- Inventory of landscapes.
This initiative aims to encourage public participation to register and participate in biodiversity Platform: www.biodiversia.es
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