Thursday, January 22, 2009

Male Genitalia Area Tattoo

Defeat against Barbastro (Published in Journal Altoaragón 19/01/2009)

BARBASTRO .- The result reflects the superiority of workshops in the second and third quarters because the two are imposed Shooting Club. The victory strengthens the Barbastro second place in terms of the three challenges facing next, very complicated, in the court of El Salvador, group leader, Tafyesa, on 28 January and to complete Utebo week.
plain reading of the partial score, 11-14, reflects what was the first room for equipment to match numbers of school children and were the only minutes when shooting club was ahead in the mail. Workshops made too many mistakes and his opponent took advantage either good physical base and domain rebound.
In the second, a triple by Carrillo in the first minute set the local reaction that took advantage of short on the scoreboard, the result of increased concentration and scoring ability. The maximum benefit is achieved with four minutes with 24-18, the shooting club fell to 26-23 and then 31-23 and 35-23 was a consequence of the greater success of the team.
The third quarter was the best of the four, especially Clavera Workshops that was imposed criteria and increased its lead progressively with scores of 39-25, 44-25, 51-27, 53-33 and 55-38 . Two consecutive triple Sergio Garcia with just two minutes were the most critical trigger. From fourth
have to pull the word "correcalles" Ten minutes to set full of indecision and better local shooting club game that one back up 63-50, 63-53 and 68-53. The local reaction was the end, led by Huguet and culminated with the last triple Artasona. Joaquin

Arnal, Clavera Workshops coach, spoke to the party "with two distinct parts, the first and fourth quarters, bad, second and third, good. Things have been fine when there has been continuity in the game, without preemptions and more concerned that things play outside and have made too many mistakes when we worry about things we can not control. "


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