Saturday, September 12, 2009

Non Denominational Wedding Program

II: Bubble Bobble and

Although it may seem, in the harsh and hostile world of English bars of the last century all came down to machines slaps in our emerging masculinity to prove to the rest of our fellow herd. And, often, after asking our favorite bartender Ryalcao a ball of chocolate served in a tall glass, a small part of us, that who enjoy cute and colorful things that emit little sounds funny, took control of our bodies ... because yes, friends, playing with colored dragons eat berries and release bubbles from the mouth also are men of men and very hard!. So So this entry will try some of those plates belonging to a genre that, although it could be called "platforms" I would call, for want of a better term, as "comics-funny-in-scenarios-fixed-that-should-kill- to-all-the-enemy-of-the-screen-of-ways-curious ", of which the most representative is, of course, the great Bubble Bobble.

propose here to Zac Efron and jetotabla Twilight vampire for the film adaptation. If ye could with Mario Bros, you can with this!

Bubble Bobble ( Taito, 1986)

is difficult to say whether or not Bubble Bobble opened this subgenre ... difficult for me, I have no fucking clue, of course. Without any information to base it on, I dare say
not, but with reservations. In this recreation, the players took the role of Bub and Bob, two brothers cabezones turned into dragons by an incantation, whose mission was to rescue their girlfriends from the clutches of an evil sorcerer. You see, a very deep storyline, extremely MALE (in capitals) and full of testosterone. Testosterone decreased slightly to see that the dragons do not spit fire as expected, but colorful soap bubble in which trap the enemies who swarmed around the screen, which then burst with the tines of our backs, ending with them. The greatness and success of this game is at various points, of which the most important are undoubtedly the huge gameplay and excellent level designs and characters (seen in historical perspective, obviously).

Bubble Bobble

However, the apparent ease and simplicity of the game were mere facade, as I dare say, again without build on anything, it is one of the more complex games of its time. The game consisted of 100 screens, some of extreme hardship and even almost impossible to be playing without a second player, which made it extremely difficult to finish. Still, once this ordeal, the player got a trick that was accessible in a way more complicated difficulty (Super Bubble Bobble), after which hid the true end game. Besides this, each display were a series of secret terms with which we could control much of the game (of the type "if this screen facing the wall just right, the next you drop a strawberry 10,000 points). This turned the game into something quite esoteric, and often you could see different things occurring on the same screen, but never got to find out exactly what they depended.

Rainbow Islands / Parasol Stars

The saga continued Rainbow Islands (1987, in which there were no dragons but the brothers threw rainbow), Parasol Stars (1991, only to computers and consoles and in which we defended with an umbrella) and Bubble Bubble Symphony Memories (1994 and 1995 updates of Bubble Bobble), and a thousand versions. The most notable would be a kind of spin-off in the form of puzzle based on this universe, known as Puzzle Bobble or Bust-a-Move , which we'll discuss in another installment of this series.

A slipstream of Bubble Bobble, there was a sort of little "Attack of the Clones" The fruits of this came to light last two games you see today.

Bubble Symphony / Bubble Memories / Puzzle Bobble

Snow Bros ( Toaplan , 1990)

What about Snow Bros, if one of my favorite games, guilty of ending my savings on more than one occasion and source a thousand and one problems family? And, although it was a game Bubble Bobble much currado, Snow Bros always seemed more fun and accessible. Rare was also the district of Spain that had a bar close to the recreation, in the early nineties. The argument of the game is the same as that of Bubble Bobble (with kidnapped girlfriends and all, bravo for his balls of steel), but this time we will in the skin of humans converted into dolls Snow, able to enclose their enemies in huge balls of the same material and throwing them into the bottom of the screen, sweeping the way for all those unfortunates who caught the ball on the road. Snow Bros was considerably easier than Bubble Bobble and could be completed without too much sweat, continuing a few times. In addition, the snowballs were a much more fun and quick to destroy the enemies. A great evolution of the basic concept, no doubt.

Snow Bros

In this game, it should be emphasized absurd twofold: the bizarre enemy design (abortion octopus that throws bombs, two color bugs mucus rising horns themselves to walk ...) and the Japanese food that feed our characters (sushi , rice balls), which, unlike the berries and pastries easily recognizable Bubble Bobble, Spain was the source of a thousand conjectures, as this drama based on real events (the brands and people involved have been modified to preserve privacy):

- gocho Fuck that, you catch all the cakes!
- There are cakes, Mongolian
- What do you mean?
- Son tortillas
- But now that's a no ice cream?
- Yes yes ...
- For in the HobbyConChorras say they are cakes.

Beauty is something that takes into

really was neither one nor the other, but several Japanese sushi and gore, but as our main source of information was the guy who smoked repeater in the arcade, we could not ask for too much ... things of ignorance. This game would later sequel, with several characters with different powers, but as I think a poison passing comment.

Tumblepop ( Data East, 1991)

If Snow Bros was the poor relation of Bubble Bobble, this is the indigent brother, who sniffed glue and rummaging through garbage for food, although that was not sufficient reason for this not enjoy considerable success ... The wikipedia strives label of "cult classic" This shows me once again that is a term applicable to any shit, he immediately acquires a certain aura of respectability. Actually I'm exaggerating a lot, because the truth is that the game is not bad. In this case, we will have a kind of backpack vacuum cleaner capable of absorbing enemies, then throw them into a ball, thus the similarities with previous games multiply. It seems even to copy Pang, as the main characters are very similar and even go to different countries.


Although lower than the previous two, the game is enjoyable to play and worth a look. It is also the easiest of the three by far, so enjoy the most stumps as dwarfs.

This concludes this short review. See you in the third installment ...


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